Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

No they didn’t .

Why would they make changes to a class they’ve pretty much shown they hate and most likely wish would go away .

Only reason hunters are still around is because we find ways to keep playing to spite them .


im not even a prot paladin and im mad about this notes lol

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I fear you are right. The best class and they don’t like us or our pets. They took my tundra foal.

Seconded. If Blizzard can’t be bothered to fix our spec or give us some Hero Talents, then why should I bother to stay subscribed?

Added the following to the OP:


  • Arcane
    • Arcane Blast damage reduced by 5%.
    • Arcane Missiles damage reduced by 8%.


  • Fury
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.

Still nothing for BM hunter


They’re in the process of trying to figure out how to rework the dog💩 Pack Leader talent tree…

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blizzard stop, why do you even have a beta at this point, oh right its to incentives epic editions my b


More Shadow buffs? :slight_smile:


So like…this means you’re going to buff the Fury Warrior tier bonus to not be the worst one in the whole game right???


Are you seriously doing blanket nerfs to Arcane when Spellslinger is 15-20% behind Sunfury? Sunfury is the outlier with Arcane. A blanket nerf is stupid and unwarranted and further nerfs a hero talent set that is already behind.

Incompetent moronic devs.


Ouch. :astonished:

Ouch, I admit fury damage is too high on live, but with the amount of mobility and CC in the game, fury needs to actually do damage for the 4 seconds of uptime it gets.

Why is this spilling into PVP?

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Enh witch doctor revert where? Changing core gamplay loop right before mythic raid comes out is just unacceptable. I would much rather prefer an aura nerf at this point, especially given the fact that we’re given the whole picture of the rework already on anniversary patch PTR.

please look at preventing the feral buffs from happening in pvp, feral gross spec atm

I expect they won’t touch it until the big anniversary patch unfortunately, as a BM enjoyer myself it sucks.

Hello, what about BM hunters and theirs poor DPS? How about fixing it? This gamebreaking problem must be addressed ASAP.


Arcane is still the better progression spec, this just makes it so frost one tricks aren’t as cringe as they were before.

So that’s something I guess.

how you actually gonna do this 1 day before release, why didnt you do this earlier this week so people could have time to prepare, you nerfed arcane to a point the bis build may actually change… 1 day before release… tf are you guys doin over there?