Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

God forbid you buff classes instead of nerfing the few that are slightly ahead.


So frost is now better and its horrible play, because spellslinger will always be better unless you do some real crazy stuff. Nothing like having to worry about range while playing ranged lol

There’ll be more Mountain Thane compensation buffs, right? Considering it’s Slayer specifically that’s an S tier DPS. I believe, even account for the upcoming “buffs”, it’s still 20ish percent behind Slayer and completely non-competitive in real scenarios.

Why even have more then one hero talent tree at this point? Its going to be a wasted system again because you wont balance them. One step forward, two steps back

It’s a good question. Blizzard isn’t even attempting to balance them.

100% of the top 100 logs for arcane are Sunfury. So instead of trying to nerf Sunfury and buff Spellslinger to bring them more in line with each other they just do a blanket nerf to the entire spec.

Why do we even have Spellslinger Blizzard? What purpose does it serve?


You people are too lazy to do your job so you just nerf an entire spec instead of actually taking the time to balance specific hero classes? Awesome! I’m done. Spellslinger Arcane was in line with other hero classes and youre nerfing it into the ground AGAIN because youre just lazy. IM done. Was super excited for this xpac but after you’ve changed my rotation like 3 times and nerfed my hero class/spec into the ground I’m not giving you people any more of my money. Peace.

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to screw frost over lol

So spellslinger arcane is currently 20% behind Sunfury and you think it’s a good idea to have blanket nerfs for a middle pack hero talent spec?

Why not just Sunfury nerfs?


Hey. Leave me alone.

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Could you guys pretend like you have your stuff together and get this stuff right in one go so people can make decisions?


Why would you try to buff 10 specs when you only have 2 specs that are clearly ahead of everyone else. That is honestly a stupid way to balance. You always balance by hitting the outliers on each side, buff the bottom 2 or 3 and nerf the top 2 or 3.

They were not that far ahead

You’re aware Fury has the worst tier set this season?

Knee jerk.

Last season was my first season of pvp and hadn’t played wow really since wotlk. I thought it was a meme that they don’t care about pvp but clearly the decisions are being made strictly for pve. It’s not even hard to make this pve only.

Do they have pvp data that is showing numbers vastly different than what we are seeing in pvp?

So fire will just magically come back from being extremely behind in damage and survivability/utility with a 6% buff… interesting. I would have hoped for at least another 10% to our main spells ontop of the 6%.

I’m not a demon hunter

So, if a class is doing good they decide that you cant have that much fun, and instead of buffing or reworking some useless specs/hero talents they just bring good specs down so everyone feels equally bad.

Nice going


There’s literally only 1 fight(Ulgrax) with more than 100 Spellslinger Arcane parses in the entire raid. Literally 1 single Spellslinger parse for Ansurek.

Why are you nerfing Spellslinger Arcane? It’s so far behind barely anyone is playing it.

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They are doing this tunnings because of the 0.001% players doing mythic this week?

wow sure you have your priorities dev’s…


Gotta say it is so disappointing that the first 3 weeks of the expansion are complete chaos. Hitting arcane with 3 separate rounds of nerfs, as in they were announced separately, completely invalidates the preparation made for the tier. Blizzard has all the resources to test and tune balance before the expansion even releases. If there was a team as dedicated to balance tuning as the community theory crafters are to optimizing their gameplay there would be no issue. Instead blizzard decides to cut corners by using tuning exclusively as a retroactive measure. The problem with this is how rocky and unstable the pre-progression stage becomes for raiders. It really kills the enthusiasm and excitement for the tier to see a spec that you have prepared go from 4th place dps to 16th. Especially when the class design they settled on for frost is pressing one button for the whole fight. Gratz blizz, you created a spec that was an absolute pleasure and joy to play and then nerfed it into the ground to the point that the worst designed mage spec is meta.

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