Are they saying Boo or Boo-urns? Nerfs!

  • Arcane
    • Arcane Blast damage reduced by 5%.
    • Arcane Missiles damage reduced by 8%.

Class Tuning Incoming – September 17 - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

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Doing blanket nerfs to the entire spec when it’s just Sunfury that’s the outlier is so idiotic.


If we are LUCKY and get our 2pc this reset, we can look forward to that 1% gain for arcane blast…


Nah, they’ll fix that pretty quickly. Can’t have arcane mages having fun!

Nerf arcane blast by 5 percent, get lucky and get 2 piece and have a one percent buff to Arcane Blast.

Sucks, because in PvP, we actually lost damage to Arcane blast and missiles.

Negative two percent damage to Arcane Blast in PvP with two piece bonus.

Just Stupid…there is no substance in a blanket nerf when its only a hero spec that is causing problems…Spellslinger was barely hanging with the pack as it was now it gets pulled into the friggin crossfire…this is just poor and lazy attempts to try and appease masses with numbers movement by people so out of the loop … might as well just trow darts at a board and toss prot palles back into the killbox …ohh wait…

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I genuinely have no idea what the title of this post means, and it’s breaking my brain reading it.

I googled it. Simpsons reference for anyone else reading.

It’s a classic Simpsons joke.

Yeah, Its when someone does something everyone hates, then acts like everyone loves it and they think the response is them being praised.

In this case, its the Hail Mary blanket nerf, just before the mythic reset.

Hail Mary is a football term - a long, typically unsuccessful pass made in a desperate attempt to score late in the game.

Gee, thanks for explaining everything very slowly for me like I’m 5. Massively appreciate it! <3

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Any time.

PS. Purple Monkey Dishwasher.

Are fury warriors getting a blanket nerf as well? I guess they are getting a 3% nerf to all damage. Why is arcane being hit harder?

Fury is kind of in the same place as Arcane. They have 1 over performing hero talent and then the other is behind. Instead of nerfing the over performing one they’re doing a blanket nerf because balancing is hard apparently.

Can’t wait to see what they do about Enhancement.

It’s a good question. They’re one of the strongest specs and they have one of the strongest tier sets this season. Last week the majority of the logs are without that tier set, so they should be even stronger this week.