Arcane/fury PVE nerfs spilling into pvp

Arcane PVE nerfs spilling over.

Pour one out for the arcane dream.

Also sorry fury looks like ur gettin smacked too bois


Can’t apologize to sinners

Oh no! Anyways

its over, rip the fury dream

Fury is absolutely disgusting. They needs every bit of those nerfs and more.

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Both of these carrying over to PVP seems fine…?

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tbf they got odin and bladestorm nerfed 10% but they need it all

thats 19 on another mage testing.

How does that need a 5% nerf? its a 1.4 cast that cost a ton of mana at 4 charges

Still does less then shadowbolt lmao.

they just forcing everyone into frost


lmao arcane is so op every mage has just been sandbagging it cuz they know frost is gonna get nerfed so they have a backup plan


Is arcane taking over the ladder?

Arms warriors feel your pain, it’ll be twice for us.

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It’s less that ability in particular and more that they had to adjust the spec for PVE purposes and took a glance at how the spec is performing in PVP and allowed it go through there as well.

Eh that’s bad reasoning

Arcane had other things that needed nerfing in PVP, not their 2 pom arcane blasts every minute that weren’t causing overkill by serious margins.

It’s a random niche nerf that doens’t really matter overall but might affect a kill in 1/100 games.

Okay, let me attempt to simplify

If spec do good in PVP then PVE nerf often carries over, even if not big

oh look, still more than any fire ability. :')

Nice, now my non-crit missiles will reliably hit for sub-100k making it a substantially less good rapid fire that can be interrupted. And with the spell queue removal I can also get one 400k casted blast out and maybe a 400-500k barrage before being nailed for double to triple the damage by some of the over performers.

Feels great. :+1:t2:

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spec not do good in pvp

spec not do bad either

your justification is just arguing for the sake of arguing there is no reason for arcane to take a 3% nerf in pvp especially while frost is left untouched


No? Nerf was fine.

Frost isn’t overperforming in PVE.

by what metric is the nerf fine when it carries over into pvp?

Because Arcane is really good…?