Chat reports being abused

You are arguing with trolls.
They know this is true but argue anyway.
All one has to do is read the CS forums for less than 5 hours, pinpointing on:

  1. Any post that has the reference to ban, suspended or automated.
  2. Any post that a Blizzard CS employee has responded to.
  3. Read the OP rant (plus how they should be nominated for sainthood)
  4. Scroll down to the Blue Post and read the responses.
  5. Engage reading comprehension skills.

READ the blue response carefully and pay attention to what the Blue stated. 3rd sentence in CS lays it out.
Warning removing your fake faux news cap and actually having reading comprehension skills and intelligence are required

Mass Reporting Automatic Bans - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Continuing the discussion from Mass Reporting Automatic Bans:

BTW: This is just one example of hundreds that people claim. Interestingly enough, none of you (expect 1 person in this thread) posted the question in CS and of course CS confirmed. They know who they are :wink: