Characters deleveled - Khadgar

With all due respect, I need to correct you. My main character, created the day WoW launched 16 years ago, is very, very, missing. Gone. Deleted. (can you tell I’m a little freaked?) While most may have been deleveled, some are definitely gone.

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omg. if my toon’s name is taken I will freak. Like you, my main, played since vanilla, has disappeared. I’m blaming all this (and everything else) on 2020.


Sad to say my deleveled character is still messed up. :cry: I haven’t logged on her since yesterday because I don’t want to somehow mess up any incoming fix. I suppose I’m lucky that it seems only one of my characters has been affected by this.

Just have to be patient, I guess. (This is where being an altoholic comes in handy - I have plenty of other characters to play.)

My guild is in a similar position Geraith. Feels like Blizzard went out of their way to prevent us from getting CE.

Blizzard merged our server on a thursday 2 weeks ago and it destroyed our Mythic N’zoth lockout that we had raided on Tuesday of that week. Everyone was on a different ID after the merge, so we couldn’t raid anymore that week. Worst was we couldn’t extend it the next week. We tried to on an alt and the bosses were all up, so we had to reclear. This wasted 2 raid nights (one from not being able to finish previous week, and one from the reclear). Tonight is our last chance to get cutting edge since our main tank and raid leader takes a vacation in the last week of sept every year and prepatch will likely be the week after. We’re over 250 pulls in, we finally got to the mythic only phase. It’s just a matter of pulls, but losing those 2 raids nights might cost us cutting edge. Months of work down the drain.

Worst is, we learned Blizzard was aware of this issue over a month before they merged our realms and did it anyways. So unfortunately, they don’t seem to care that these merges are adversely affecting people still pushing for CE.

Thank you, Vrakthris, for staying active in this thread regarding the issue. I know all you can do is relay information but you must know how much better it is to have that than radio silence when things go wrong.

That said, I’d just like to join with the others in that I still have a couple deleveled characters. It’s only 2 of 11 but one of them was among, if not the oldest of all, my main for 13 or 14 years, and he went all the way back to level 1.

I have a ticket marked “answered” that I can try to keep open if it matters but here’s to hoping it gets resolved.

So I have been waiting for my toons to be restored from the glitch before logging into any of them. But just a moment ago I logged on my druid Missbell-Khadgar who was de-leveled to 90 and it popped up character not found, and a loading screen appeared. After it was done reloading, she was back to 120. I just wanted to pass this on for anyone waiting to log onto an affected toon. I hope it helps. I also cleared my cache before doing this.

Good afternoon!

The work on this issue is ongoing, so we don’t have much new information to share other than we continue to fix up characters. Thanks to everyone who has confirmed the return of their character so far. For those who still have characters affected, keep an eye on your character list for changes.

We’ll continue to share updates here as they become available. Thanks!


My character is back, as is our guild Warlock that was deleveled to 90 on Tuesday (Utterchaos). Both of us are totally broken in the guild though. We’re in the guild and can see guild chat from earlier today, but we can’t talk, use the guild bank, or show up as online to other members.

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Graith please put in a ticket. Same thing happen to my character and I had ot have a GM fix it. He explained it like this " The guild is seeing you as still in guild and the character is not."


or have a guildie kick the toon, then reinvite. worked fine for me.

Oh, excellent! That isn’t always an option so I’m glad to hear you were able to get it handled easily enough.

For those who may not be able to be removed and re-invited, definitely contact our Support staff so we can take a look though. :slight_smile:


Thanks Vrakthris and the rest of the team. for getting my toons restored, gear, questlines, achievements seem intact, I know this was a very one off situation with the realm connections. Hope the other players in the realm have gotten their toons restored or about too. I work in phone Customer Service so I know how chaotic things can be. Though one thing, 3 out the 4 toons out of my toons have lost guild association, I’ve also updated my ticket to reflect this. Good luck all

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So my toons seem fine now. Three of them were removed from the guild, but that was easy enough to fix.

The GM seems fixed now too.

The guild bank however is empty. :frowning: If we could please have our stuff back that would be great.

Thank you!


I am not affected, but I stayed up past my bedtime to read this thread.

I feel bad for those affected.

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So, my characters on Khadgar have been returned to their normal levels. However, I have a copy of my monk and shaman that were moved to Stormrage ages upon ages ago. They are very low level, however. I’m not sure what to do with them. Is it perfectly safe to delete them?

The one toon that still is linked to its guild also can’t use guild talk or use the guild bank. FYI. Supplemental: This is just great, apparently a gm had relinked guild status for me but I didn’t see it. the response was ( Kaltheramis
Hey there,
I was able to get those two characters added back to Song Morrow for you :smiley: You should be all set my friend! )
so had to reopen my ticket again.
Whatever was done to relink my toons to guild status caused these toons kaltaselholf level- level 112, Drozzt- level 105, Feearrow-level 67 to delevel again. please fix. This is getting very Irritating, ).

Well Everything with my toons have been fixed as of now though had to figure out how to correct my guild issues themselves. Good luck and hope all the others members in this realm get a final good resolution if not already.

I would like to know this as well - I have some long-deleted characters as well. Not sure what to do with them.

Thank you, all of my toons were repaired!!! We did a Guild kick and re-invite to restore them to their former status, no loss of Exalted status etc… All worked out fine and no loss of any kind in inventory or armor… Thank you all for your hard work!! Great job!! So…about that compensation … please send me a box of See’s Candies, soft centers (lemon truffles!) :slight_smile:


My characters were all restored to where the should be except I now have an extra warrior at level 90. I had server transferred him off of the server after WoD and now he’s back on Khadgar AND the server I transferred him to. Should I just delete him, Keep him, or submit a ticket and let a GM look at the situation? If that’s not possible to answer here here I’ll just submit a ticket in a few days.

If after the stated problems in this thread are not resolved when Blizzard says they are, you can then submit a ticket, explaining the problem, and asking what you should do.