Characters deleveled - Khadgar

I’m wondering what happens if the worst case scenario lands, that they cannot restore the database to the moment before the merge, and instead have to do roll backs to lord knows how far long ago the last back up was created.

Well one of my toons is fixed however now I cannot talk in guild. It also shows me in guild but not online and I am also able to use the guild finder.

I know the problem is being worked on, and I am glad, but shouldn’t my ticket still be open until the problem is resolved? My ticket is closed and it is not in the archive either.

No, you don’t need to open a ticket or keep one open. It isn’t necessary for the work being done.

The original call to open a ticket had been for tracking and to get samples for investigation. That is no longer needed.


Ok, thanks!

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What should I do about my guild issue? Should I gquit and get reinvited? I dont have permission to talk and the guild ui shows me in guild and can use guild finder.

That can be accessed even if you are in a guild. It’s not an issue.

It is 100% an issue lol. The guild UI shows everyone onlin, I cant talk even t hough I am an officer. I cant see anyones info(achievements etc).

Please stop posting things you arent seeing or do not understand “It is not an issue”. Yes you can still use guild finder however it is at the top like I can search for guilds. When you join a guild, guild finder is moved to the bottom of the list in the guild UI.


That might be a good work around to update your guild status, Icenea. Otherwise, I’d submit a ticket so our Support staff can take a look. It might just be a matter of the guild status not updating, which could just require a little time, or our staff may need to give it a nudge.

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FYI when I try to gquit it says I am not in a guild. I will put a ticket in.

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Agreed, if you don’t have the option to leave or are able to be removed manually, we’ll have to take a closer look. Thanks, Icenea!

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So update on the guild issue. When the character was restored the guild (not t he character) was still showing me in guild when I was not. The gm had to do some fixes (Said it sometimes happens with character/faction xfers) and fixed my issue. FYI for anyone else that experiences this when their character gets restored.


With all things considered, I’d probably take some of the snark out of your responses.

I’m not reading snark in the response.


I’m sorry if you felt that there was any snark in my response, Redgun. That was not my intention, but I’m afraid I can’t help if someone applies an unintended tone when reading my post.


I am not sure who he is talking to. You have very very helpful Vrakthris on a very frustrating time for people on Khadgar. Thankyou for your help.


thanks for the update! gives me hope that things will be back to normal soon.
I won’t be returning until after the expansion rolls out though

Did anyone else notice that only toons with names starting with the letters A-M were the only ones affected? Or was that just a coincidence that occurred on my accounts?

My toon that has disappeared starts with W.
another affect started with S, another N, actually, now that I think about it you could say the opposite applied to my account, all mine affected where n-z lol

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Regarding the guild issue:

My GM was de-leveled, Vaader, and is not showing in the guild. The GM spot on the guild roster is blank. Five of his toons were affected. Two of them, Amosmoses and Balsam, were restored. However, even though they can see guild chat, the guild icon is as if they were not in guilds, and their tabards are blanks. The GM’s toon as not been restored, but if the guild issue continues simply leaving guild and coming back won’t fix it since there would be no GM to promote the GM back to GM.

I hope that made sense.

The toons that I have that are affected have not yet been restored.