Characters deleveled - Khadgar

I understand this but I also understand the frustration. Some people only play one realm, and they’ve paid to play that one realm so stretching weeks (if that’s the case, we have no idea yet at this point) surely will upset some people.

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They’re giving the worse case scenario!!! obviously that’s not what they want and they’ll try not to let that happen but being realistic would really help.


Yes. Actually more like 3 weeks ago. And yes, I have created a new character everyday to reset the character select screen.

I appreciate the perspective, Jasonhourne, I absolutely do but I definitely want to point out while the overall issue only seems to be impacting a single realm we are very much committed in getting folks back on their characters. Any situation where folks are unable to play tends to be a pretty high priority.

Weeks really is worse case at this point and based on a lot of the back and forth I’ve been seeing we hope to have this resolved fairly soon.

Your issue is related, but a bit different as far as I know, Quill. I don’t know if your issue was caused in the same manner so I’m not sure it will have the same solution. I wish I had more positive news for you but they are working to resolve those as soon as they can as well.


Pretty crazy glitch. Must be some sort of Database data bug/glitch that has occurred. I think it is pretty amazing there is still backups that old and perfectly intact.

Good luck to Blizz on figuring this out. I know it’s frustrating for everyone involved.


Your ticket should show up here.

Direct Question: if my subscription expires will I still have my character restored?

Yes, of course.


Disappointing overall as we are missing Brewfest and final leveling push prior to Shadowlands release. Night two of not playing the missing character.

A post was split to a new topic: Unable to access game

Hello all!

Posting with an update, as promised.

As many are aware, this has been a very high priority for us since it started.

We’ve reached a point where we fully understand the issue and we will continue working to resolve it. Players who have missing characters or de-leveled characters should start to see what they expect returning this evening.

Since this process will take an as-yet unknown time to complete, it may take longer than this evening to resolve.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We’ll update you here if the situation changes.


Thanks, glad to hear it!


Vrakthris thanks very much for keeping us updated on the situation.


Um, funny thing here. So far (cause I’m still checking) 4 of my characters from the brazilian server Goldrinn had their transmogs reverted, but not their levels. And one of them lost all the heirlooms I equipped yesterday.
I’m posting here and sending a ticket because it’s weird this is happening on a server that is not even going through any merges.


My toons are normal again. I logged on them and they’re as expected.


I hope so. It was very disconcerting to find my lvl 120 Holy Pally was lvl 43, no gear, no quests, no saved transmogs, no hearthstones from the garrison or Legion Dal, no pretty much anything.

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Submitted my ticket, hopefully this can get resolved soon. I’m nervous to touch any of my other characters too much, for fear of messing up the recovery process. And I’m not active on any other realms…

I’ve been having that weirdness on my own account for the last two weeks or so, maybe a little longer, with quite a few random servers showing I have characters on them but I don’t and never have. I also went through the steps you did by logging into the server and then going back to check the server list - the rando servers stopped indicating a character after doing so. The only thing I did not pay attention to was if those servers were joining servers I was already on…

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Yes, same here. I did not give it much thought at the time, but it may have been an early indicator of bit rot. I guess I should have reported it.

Hi guys and girls,

With the most recent Blue Post on this thread, I though I would give it a few hours and see what happens. However, it looks like I am still missing my 120 Male Draenei Paladin (currently bring replaced with a level 34 Female Human Paladin).

I made a ticket concerning the issue, but the GM responded saying it looked like I had logged onto the Paladin after making the ticket. Therefore, according the GM, the issue must have been resolved. This is not the case. I am still missing the 120 Male Draenei Paladin.

I have not closed the ticket, because the issue is not resolved. However, I did not want to be a nuisance and reopen the ticket, seeing that there were several posts made that everyone at Blizzard was aware of the issue.

Also, is Khadgar and Alleria still being merged with Exodar and Medivh? I only ask because the announcement is no longer on the breaking news on the log-in screen.

Thank you!