Character Not found

I am in Vrakthris. Fixed for me. Thank you.

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I have had a lot of experience calling Tech support so I think I can help “Have you checked the cables to make sure that the servers are plugged in properly?” “… have you tried turning them off and then back on again?”… "No, I’m sorry but my manager is not available right now… " “… Ohh, I think I see what the problem is, I am going to have to transfer you to a different department to get that taken care of… please hold for just a moment”


My game is back to normal thanks Vrak and the unknown people behind scenes.


Excellent. I’ll keep this thread open for a little while longer but hopefully everyone will be getting into the game now. .


See… My tech support skills are legit… fixed it

if not, we will see you again around 5pm tomorrow, but again i REALLY hope to be wrong on this one =D

fixed. thx Vrak

I hope to see you back here, helping our disgruntled hearts tomorrow when it happens again! (Knock on wood)

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This worked for this guy (if you can create new toons): Possible temporary fix for character not found

Im in thanks for the updates

All good now. Thank you!

You just replied in the exact way to what I stated at end of paragraph.
thinking, replying, out the neck instead of brain only leads to assumption which is the real cause of all that is wrong.

Finally in again. Hopefully it lasts lol

Same. My warlock was solo running Return to Kara, and I get to the banquet hall, only to have my character start acting up. I try to log back in and my load bar gets 2/3 full and get character not found. Takes a good minute for my toon and alts to even load up from a black screen.

Malfurion server.

Looks like I am back too. I do notice that I have an issue with my mouse working. I disabled and re-enabled my addons to see if it made a difference and it did. So I am going to have to figure out which one is jacking up my mouse. But I can log in and play my toons now…so I am happy about that. Thank you.

im in, thanks for the help Vrakthris

Missing all of my characters on Balnazzar

I had the same thing happen. However, after a download on blizzard that was going on was completed my characters were back.
My problem now is severe lag. I cannot play because of that.

ive been in for about 30 minutes now. thank you for your help Vrakthris

I’m noticing the mail icon on the login screen is still missing? Was the issue related to mail?