I went offline for a second to swap toons and now i cant log into any of my toons every single one says character “NOT FOUND” Please is there a fix for this or something i need to so
having the same issue let me know what happens for you man
This happened to me too when I went to switch toons on Khadgar.
yeah idk i havent ben able to play since yesterday this sucks! Kel’Thuzad Here.
hope i get a free extra day of gameplay
happened to me yesterday and happening again today, hopefully they fix this ASAP Magtheridon here
same thing here
Same here.
Thanks, folks. We are seeing an uptick in reports and we’ve let our teams know. I’ll provide what updates I can as soon as I hear back.
I am having same issue
same issue
yep, i was playing just fine and wanted to switch servers to start lvlign a toon and now rip in pepperonni
For about 10 minutes I could not see any characters. The server list showed 0 characters. I figured I’d wait a bit and my characters reappeared.
It now says I have not completed achievements to create allied races but I’m staring at my Nightborne character on the login screen.
I tried to log in, and now it is giving me the “Character not found” issue.
I wasn’t able to load any existing characters on either server I tried yesterday, and I’m not able to get in today so far either. I probably tried for around an hour yesterday. I was also unable to create a new character yesterday.
Same issue, all characters on Zul’jin and Daggerspine are all missing (ie all of my characters). Realm selection screen doesn’t show ANY characters on any server.
I sat on my server for a while and my toons showed up, best of luck out there guys.
Played all afternoon on all characters, went for dinner a couple hours later tried to create a new toon and kept getting “Character Timeout”. Went to play on main and “No Character Found” although the list is populated for my server. Hit Change Realms to see what was up and my server listed shows no characters for me on my server.
Edit: Server Zul’jin
Same thing here except when I went offline all of my toons disappeared, when I click on my server it shows my toons there but when I go to log on it states " A character with that name already exists"
I logged out to update some drivers due to my fps being all over the place and can’t get back in.
I also started getting character not found. so i closed the game came back in now shows no characters on any realm in the list. selected my realm from the list took very long time for it to load then finally showed my toons, still getting char not found when selecting them,