Character Not found

lol what no sleep

I’m in baby!

If you got to a restaurant and order a burger, and are then told “sorry, you’ll have to wait another 2 hours to get that because we threw your food against the wall,” you’re going to be pissed. People are paying money for a good, they want access to the good. Again, stop invalidating people’s frustrations.

+1 for Character Not Found issue. This happened with my Icecrown character Urnee when using the gate from Silithus to Zandalar and was disconnected. On reconnect the issue occurred. Other characters on Icecrown just hang when attempting to log in.

So far just tried quitting and restarting, rebooting PC but no change.

Its working again for me! Thank you Blizz

my chracters are not found at all

Would like to add my name to the ever growing list of people unable to log into the game for 2 days now.

It acts like I have never logged on. I have to pick my server from the list after it finally shows them 30 to 40 seconds after I start the game.

Then about a min later it shows my charters, but when I try to use any of them its another minute then disconnected with NO Character Found.

Come on Blizzard 2 days Would be nice to see Something other than there is an up-tic.

****I have disabled all add-ons / Repatched the game / did a file check / nothing no go.

I closed the client, re-ran it, and checked for updates, nothing was found and just ran the game and everything was there. Either I somehow fixed it by doing something that dumb or they fixed it on their end and I timed it well.

YAAY WORKED! Thanks Bliz, i’m back in!

in after almost 3 1/2 hrs

Got in on my Garnia farming toon on Shadow Council and this toon in legion dal. So it is at least temp fixed for my account.

So until the next time… take care peeps.

Oh and go get yourself a yummy cookie or something Vrak. You CS peeps deserve a treat for listening to all of us. :smiley:

See your analogy doesn’t work. If I got to the restaurant and they told me it would be a 2 hour wait , I would find something else to do in the meantime. You act as it they suddenly sprung this on us when they’ve been talking about it for pretty much the last 24 hours.

Peak hours must be over, i just got back in again, so between 5pm and 9pm PST WoW will have this bug until they find a peak hours work around, i hope to be wrong, but its the pattern ive seen so far =/

Back in as well. Hopefully their hotfix sticks! Thank you!

Not exactly a fix, as a possible fix. There have been a few attempts to resolve the issue that have been implemented. Those, once tested, have to cycle onto the active servers to pick up that update. That takes about 30 minutes each time, though can take longer.

From what updates I’m seeing, we appear to be seeing things are looking better so hopefully you all will be able to confirm that soon enough.

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Not that I’m as you call it “butthurt” over this situation or am upset that this has not been a few missed hrs. of game time missed but, 2 days. I am upset at the fact the game is being aloud to log into since yesterday with so many problems including this one instead of just shutting it down and actually getting the prob. fixed. however it seems they are finally doing something about it now that over 1k players are shoving it down there throat… i think most people miss the point or the real problems being the concern…

Frustration is understandable. I was also frustrated, but there is no need for people to come on a forum and attack the dev team or, especially, a MOD who has no control over the matter.


Me too. Got in just fine, no issues

Yes. Thats it. That was the criteria. Their counter hit 1000 and they then clocked in. I seriously hope you aren’t this naive in real life.

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It let me in thank you!