Character Not found

People have paid money to a multi-billion dollar company so that they can enjoy themselves in a game. Stop invalidating their frustrations.

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Honestly this isn’t as bad as the BC pre-patch. A bunch of us ended up with naked toons and all our items in our banks gone. Now that was horrible! This is just mildly frustrating. :stuck_out_tongue:

I go to play today and all my characters are missing. Ive tried everything to fix it and no luck. My GF logged in on her account on my PC and all here toons are there and she can play just fine.

I finally got in. Be patient, people! See you on the battlefield!

Um no he’s pretty much right. If people are getting this butthurt over few missed hours of a video game, the real world is REALLY gonna suck for you.

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we run 2 accounts from one comp and I can confirm one account logs in fine, and the other is completely fubard

Anyone on Area 52 get in yet? I’m still unable

Wait… this is still going on??? well… just adding another character to the list of people who can’t log in… (Paranoid Conspiracy theories start to form which are always accurate)

lucky you still not working here LOL :hot_face:

Nice… worked a 14 hour day to come home and have no characters & not be able to get into the game.

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I am in the exact same boat :frowning:

no I play on area 52 most of the time and still not toons showing up or any realm I play on

If only there was a tomorrow. Then maybe we could try again.

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Just logged in successfully! I’m not logging out ever again! lol Staying in for the rest of my life! lol

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Same here. Takes a while to login, when i connect to realm, chars show up but get the error.


  • delete addons
  • empty WTF folder
  • reinstall the game

no luck so far

Confirmed by opening 2 games at once, the one with the Shadowlands expansion purchased does not work, character log has no characters, the one with the BFA expansion shows character log in screen with characters and can log in and play.

I’ve been having the issue all night, but I was just able to log in to my character and am currently playing. Thank you for all of the updates and I apologize on behalf of the ignorant people attacking you and Bliz in general.

all my toons are just gone

Same why I pointed out I’m a vet from some horrible launch days and bad patches… Trying to log in for cata release…But people have a right to be upset about a product they pay for monthly and can’t use on whatever time they have available. I got my game time in today thankfully so I’m just really here to see a update.

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Girlfriend was having the same issue, came here looking for answers. Didn’t expect entertainment.

We both agree that you need a raise. We love you, Customer Support Stranger.