Character Not found

Did manage to get in… just took me maybe 20 tries of logging into the same character for it to work.

im reading these comments ive never seen more angry people in one thread anywhere else thats trying to kill the mod who has no control lol like just have patience lmao


cant get on my rogue, should i jump off a bridge???

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IT’S WORKING!! Back in business!

was able to get in about an hour ago, but i logged out of character now trying to get back in, having same issue. whatever the issue its random lol

correct me if im wrong, i am under the understanding there is a fix? theyre just cycling it through. or did i mis understand

tried it, didnt work

FYI - in my case no character found for over two hours. Seconds ago still have to manually find my server in the list as no characters display. BUT I was able to get to my toon and get in game.

Actually they released it tomorrow, we just screwed up the time travel.

Just so we’re all aware, its whiny and not whiney. Obviously, just like Blizzards quality control team regarding the prepatch, the red underscored whiney was obviously a major oversight.

guys go outside get some fresh air before yall die of depression over a video game lol

Seeing this in the logs as well:

10/14 23:17:39.552 ---- ApplyingHotfixes from Server ----
10/14 23:17:39.552 57710 Table SpellPowerDifficulty RecID 192514 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14639 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14633 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14624 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14621 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14636 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14627 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14630 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57715 Table ChrCustomizationElement RecID 14642 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57718 Table SpecializationSpells RecID 6259 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57722 Table ConditionalContentTuning RecID 624 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57722 Table ConditionalContentTuning RecID 623 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57722 Table ConditionalContentTuning RecID 628 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57722 Table ConditionalContentTuning RecID 626 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57722 Table ConditionalContentTuning RecID 625 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57722 Table ConditionalContentTuning RecID 627 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57731 Table SpellVisualKitEffect RecID 341429 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57732 Table SpellAuraOptions RecID 184944 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57739 Table SpellEffect RecID 872420 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57742 Table SceneScriptPackageMember RecID 18013 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57745 Table SpellAuraOptions RecID 139017 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.552 57748 Table ModifierTree RecID 99445 invalid
… and on an on …
10/14 23:17:39.565 ---- Done applying initial hotfixes ----
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 303 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 315 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 229 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 311 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 272 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 295 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 313 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 324 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 73 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 322 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 300 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 260 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 286 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 298 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 329 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 113 invalid
10/14 23:17:39.786 DBReply Table TactKey RecID 330 invalid
… and on and on …

I don’t think it’s realm based because my friends can get on. And my partner can get on in the same house to the same realm. I imagine this is either account-based (e.g. character listing service) or install-based. Anyone try a different machine?

Thank you for this… it worked for me! :slight_smile:

sitting outside on my patio with a laptop, feeling great =P

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I’m also getting this character not found stuff. Really frustrated right now.

Sigh, Another sad victim to the subtle art of sarcasm.

There’s a certain irony in trying to log in to a bugged game to help bugfix a bugged addon for the developer.

but its night time nah tbh ima go play metal gear solid 2 if i cant get in

i dont see a response but okay

No characters displayed on the server list but if I select my server manually the characters appear but I’m having trouble logging some of them on. Usually it just throws me a “character not found” if I get into the game I disconnect after a bit. It’s odd because I can still chat in the game via and the guild but the world is dead.