Character Not found

I was trying to work on my friends toons a little, she is unable to play the past couple of days, she has pre-purchased the expansion. And her server login screen has no characters.
On my account I have not pre-purchased yet, and I have no issues logging in.

Please apply to work at Blizz and fix it; I’m counting on you!

People really play this game in every bit of their free time for 350+ days a year just so they can throw a tantrum when the game has a bug for over an hour. They are doing everything they can to get the issue resolved. There are MODs in here trying to keep people updated. Like, can you please stop being so whiney and just be grateful for the team and the MODs working to make your life easier? Stop being such a snowflake. Just chill out with all the hate and the unneeded toxicity. Just say thank you, please keep us updated, and be patient. Thank you Vrak for keeping the updates rolling.


Same on nemeses

Yeah! A LongBoi for each! :smiley:

Idk if this will work for others, but i just waited on my realm for a few min and they came through.

Refund for 2 days? Are you people serious? You pay 15ish a month so that’s like .50 a day. You’re seriously requesting a dollar compensation? LOL… This thread is epic…


I just got back in, if something was done it worked. Thank you for the continued updates <3

Same here. The way Almeera explained it is a word for word account of what’s happening to me.

What was the point in releasing this yesterday? What was accomplished?

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I mean, I get it. I just learned back years ago when i was a young lad not to make something like a game top priority, because I know this s*** happens. It is what it is.

I did answer that a couple times so far. If you click the Blizz tag to the right you can follow the replies I have given thus far.

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I had issues logging into my account yestday, and when i did it said i was on a trial account. It eventually started working right. I get home today and all of my Characters are gone. Ive tried everything to fix this. My GF can log into her account on my pc and play just fine. All her toons are there. But when I log in I have nothing.

well now, we play for months and years at a time with few, if any problems; so this happening really isn’t so much a part of playing the game, but in the moment it seems huge. I know how you feel, but it’ll get fixed and blizz, if they’re right on the spot, will give us some kind of compensation. (they really should), but this is small change compared to some of the fiascos I’ve lived through in the past . you probably remember some yourself.

It gave the whiners that only do raids and dungeons and want new content to calm down. I guess it didn’t work.

thats pointless

I’m guessing this is what happens when you take corruption away? Has N’Zoth infiltrated the WoW servers? =O

nothing at all

None of my characters on server list are listed. When selecting a server after 3 min they show on the character list on the right in the realm but when I click one to log in , after a loading screen it returns to character select and says Character Not Found. Deleting cache folder did nothing, must be server side.

Just got in after a couple hours, just kept spamming the login.
Maybe the pushed a hotfix though, or rebooted a stuck service /shrug