Character Not found

Yes i am seeing Tichondrius offline on my realm list as well.

I don’t have toons on that one. My guildies say this toon is still online. I am the ghost in the guild. /spooky noises

At least my name suits my log in attemps. :smiley:

Having the same “character not found” issue which also occurred last night for several hours. Started on Area 52 around 7:30 ET and has been persistent since.

I have also tried to make a new character to see if that would resolve the issue (a previous post mentioned it as a possible fix) but come across two more separate issues. When finalizing the character it says “Character creation timed out” for each starting zone option. I am also unable to select any allied race in the creation menu dispite having them all unlocked.

Since blizzard cant do it here it is.


Try again next week

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I haven’t touched anything since Tuesday except updating addons and doing Nighthold runs.

It’s got nothing to do with that. I haven’t used a barber since 2017 lol

Good theory but I didn’t touch the barber. Was only online for 15ish minutes when I decided to log to update addons and haven’t gotten back in since. 26 hours ago

Those client side server fixes can be a bit…er tough.

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it shows its up right now

So what you’re saying is it can’t handle the leaves in my beard?
I have visited a barber on one account but not on others. However, I’ve made new characters using the new traits on my other account and it works fine.

if you’re in do not log out or switch toons you will be faced with this nonsense.

so basically the only way ive been able to log one of my toons is to continuously spam logging my character. i was able to log my pally and complete nazjatar quests.

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I am having this exact issue today

so are we going to be given at least a day of game time back?

I checked the barber on this toon but never did anything to her since Lightforged didn’t get the long tail option. However all my problems stem when i try to do something in legion Dalaran on this toon and stay there for more than 3 mins.

(was grabbed stuff out of mailbox and vendoring since i raid legacy raids earlier today when i DC’d after 5 mins of not being able to interact with anything)

Another question is about the new mail icon on the character screen. I’m wondering how many of us have mail in our mailboxes. Perhaps unclaimed mail is causing the problem now that they’re supposed to be showing that on the login screen.

Negative. You will however be given a mount you can buy in the in-game store. 2 pets as well. :slight_smile:

Just want to do this. I’ve played since the start on my other account. But people like you are why company’s like blizzard think its OK to roll out a pile of hot garbage that ruins play time that we pay for. They pushed xpac back to work on it. This should have been held back but everyone wanted to whine about when this was coming out and here we are

I got an idea this may help the fix this faster I want you all look and type what realms you see that is down. God I hope I am wrong but we will find out

I am also experiencing this issue since the update. Haven’t been able to log on my character at all.

Keep your head up. I remember the days of true lack of communication. I’m sure I’m with the majority when I say I truly appreciate the level of communication you’ve been providing. Some people simply weren’t taught not to shoot the messenger.