Character Not found

I think I will disregard your message about disregarding his messages. Thats more fun.

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blizzard is that one dad that just says go ask ur mother whenever you ask for something

is that true?

same here on all toons

The only fix i can find for this is opening that can of peach halves thats been staring me in the face all evening. I’d try rolling more toons on new servers but I have to leave room in case they add more allied races and i’m already 7 toons away from cap… (I like alts). I’m somewhat frustrated cause the game was good all day and then BOOM legion dalaran destroyed me again. Trying to look on the bright side. All my toons are still intact (as far as i know…)

And we need more snacks in this thread. :smiley:

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we were told 30m ago there was going to be an update no update yet

glad I got wow on my wifes card


Don’t you guys get it? This IS the expansion.

Our characters can’t be found because they are in the Shadowlands. Great storytelling actually, way to commit Blizzard.

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Since my main stalls upon loading, I tried creating a new character. It too stalls on saving and so I too am going to go to sleep.

Wow, it’s like you don’t expect any issues when things roll out brand new. Must not have been around long (and others too) since you all want to complain about something so minor like playing a damn game. At some point it will be resolved. Have some patience and respect for the ones trying to do their job and fix it. Enjoy life, read a book, make a sandwich, find a life partner, something.

I think we should be getting a few days worth of free game time considering the extensive amount of time we are unable to log in and play.

Anyone else getting their Christmas shopping done early while they wait? Just me? Ok.

Another day with the same problem

I am having the same issue, decided to try play again, having issues all day, no surprise lol. Anyway no characters are showing on any server for me either, and can’t even get in to create one to play around.

Just a heads up. You will be told 3 hours from now that 30 minutes before that is 2.5 hours from now. Also, I was going to tell you a joke about time travel…but you didn’t like it.

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Same here, all my characters are gone

i have 3 friends on discord playing on my server. IM HAVING REAL FUN NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY. thank you Blizzard, you made my past couple days fantastiic


wheres the update

Same here I’m getting the same message as well.

its funny the only realm I see down is the same one. Its called Tichondrius. Any seeing this too?