Character Not found

well now mine arnt showing up ither

rd not working?


Same alteric- mountains

is happenin everywhere peeps cept i think a few low pop servers but it is kinda annoying that this happens again did this happen like basically the same time as last night?

Hey I found a new past time that I think others might be able to use while we wait. It’s called watching TV. I’ve been told if you bundle this with “playing other games”, it makes the time go by MUCH MUCH faster or so Im told.


Word, thanks.
I figure it has to be something account specific. This is the first thing that came to mind given what I’ve seen.

Or just going to sleep in preparation for work tomorrow =)

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same here!!! Server down or only effect to havent buy Shadowlands ???

Updating addons/fixing them is a big one too.

the only thing we can do now is smile I did my venting I feel great Again LOL

I was right! i was able to watch TV on my computer while playing games on my phone. Wait? Don’t you guys have phones?

we’re getting close to that half hour estimate for the patch fix, 4 min to go

Rotary only

I think blizz is waiting for us to find a solution its a great way to cut cost just have the gamers go crazy they might find a solution

Was able to log in for a while, pressed my luck by changing toons and it broke again lol


Outrage! …

I also started getting character not found. I closed the game came back in now shows no characters on any realm in the list. I selected my realm from the list took very long time for it to load then it finally showed my toons, but I’m still getting character not found on all my characters.

glad i got wow time with a token , :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you read any message by Rafurk disregard. That guy is mentally unstable.

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