Character Not found

WoW haiku:

Trying to log in
My character is not found
Just jerked off again


Well one thing this bug has done for me is forced me to update BIOS, Video Driver, System board driver and a few other little updates. Didn’t help but I am up to date now. :wink:

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No puedo ingresar con mi personaje. Primero, en el servidor en el que tengo al personaje, no aparece el número de personajes que tengo. cuando entro al reino, debo esperar mucho tiempo para que mi personaje actual aparezca, y cuando intento entrar al mundo, queda en la pantalla de carga de un rato, y luego me saca, saliendo una ventana diciendo, tu personaje no existe. Llevo con el problema desde ayer en la noche.

Yeah, yesterday at the same time I experienced this once. After about 2 hours I was good. Now, again, for a second time, I get disconnected from the server, and the issue has persisted once again for over 2 hours now. There is no at home fix for this. I have lots of buddies playing no problem. Not gonna lie, this is pissing me off.


yeah never mind my last comment even if you get your character to load and can clearly see it the game will still say character not found

I am sitting here looking at my guildies playing on the exact same servers that are devoid of all of my characters. I put in a ticket yesterday. It worked for half of today and haven’t been able to play since. Area-52 and Dalaran.

They have to please the shareholders and corporate overlords is appears. They should have just extended 8.3 for another month till they got it all worked out, with the exception of getting rid of the horrible corruption affixes.

you might be the dumbest wow player i ever have ever seen

you mean you had 120’s they now are level 50 lol

I havnt purchased yet and i cant login, just to answer your question =D

YES! Like ME! I am a shareholder. I am a corpor…ok well maybe not on that last part. Explain to me how people NOT being able to play would be pleasing to the shareholders (like me).

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Cant log onto any character on any server. Grrrrrr

Considering Blizzard’s size and income we can just rely on our…

I don’t mean to harsh at all, but that thought just made me laugh.


All my characters are gone as well need Help.

Yes…lol !! I have 10 lvl 50s and NOT found but I can log in to their screen and see them all…LMAO…sorry typed fast *smiling

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Every time there is a expansion this happens and we are all supposed to just be ok with it. So glad we pay for you guys to be cheep and not have the capacity to handle all the new players not like you ever done this before and know its going to happen.

Seems like they didn’t remove all the corruption


Same Issue here Mal’Ganis

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Logging in for the first time since the pre-patch and none of my characters are showing on the game realm. I can see them all here, on the website, however. Please help.

Hopefully this will be fixed by the time I go get a new keyboa