Character Not found

Account is disappeared in the realm list

This isn’t happening on my account that doesn’t own shadowlands. Also, my friends who have yet to buy shadowlands can login. Anyone else seeing this?

It’s a multi-billion dollar company… “sheet happens” isn’t a valid reason for this big of an error. After a decade and a half, they should know how to prepare and prevent this from happening.


I’m also having issues logging into my characters as well. It will tell me that it’s not found… Each and everyone of them. Me and my boyfriend live together and he has zero issues getting on any of his characters. I am a fairly new player and was sooo excited about this prepatch and now I can’t even get online to experience it.

Also having this issue

heres the thing its nothing to do in my opinion with programming in the game its a server issue just based on the fact EVERY char goes away and you cant find them at all but that they are there its as if the whole thing desync’d from bliz side to our clients

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I was able to log in earlier, but now have the ‘character not found’ hex and can’t log in I guess a fix is coming soon

hey same here woah

for this bs of a ptr we deserve a cool mount ffs

While the servers are down this thread is certainly providing me with plenty of entertainment.


I have 0ver 10 toons all 120s and they are there,but when logging in, “Character not found” . I even deleted the game’s cache and desktop launch cache and restarted my NEW pc and STILL . . . “character not found”

hahaha thank you ! i love saying my name to people ^ _ ^

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by 10:30 pm

ESO and FF XIV are working just fine…

I too am having the same troubles everyone else is reporting. I assume it some problem on the server end.

I was in a BG, (in the three battlegrounds I ran, I had horrible lag) was finally disconnected, and decided to just log out. Checked the forums, then thought I’d check on my characters. They’re now gone as well. (They were here forty minutes ago?) It takes forever to load to the server selection screen, that tells me I have no characters.
Wildhammer and Stormrage.

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When will the petition for game day refunds for the two days we cant log in come out?


this is some straight bullsheet lmao, how can y’all drop a pre patch that doesnt work… shows I have no characters on any servers and takes forever for realm list to load. In the year 2020 after being around for as long as blizzard has how is it possible to still be this bad at launching a prepatch? I’m legit mind blown, this is disgraceful


Man, as compensation for this outage I sure hope they create a mount I can buy on the WoW in-game store. All the proceeds can go to paying their electric bill.


that was the first thing I did do but didn’t work but it was a great idea to try