Character Not found

I hope they get this fixed soon. My wife wants to kill things. The game isn’t letting her log in and it’s just me and my daughter in the house. I fear for our lives!


Also having this issue.

I agree,its not his fault and he should be applauded for his efforts.This is the fault of terrible corporate management on a much higher level.

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Was able to log on for 5 minutes yesterday, but unable to play due to horrible lag. Then I was kicked off.

Black character screen

When I log in it takes me to server selection and says I have no characters anywhere.

Character not found on every character I have.

Would like answers and re-imbursement. This is ridiculous.

Day 2 and the same problem, does blizzard realize how annoying this, or do yall just want us to stop being your customer. FIX YOUR GAME

Another note is that when I go to create a new character all previously unlocked allied races are locked again as if it was a new account.

Same issue here. Please fix it asap.

Your wife is scary too?


Character not found, Stormrage. Come on Man!

I didn’t think I was that scary :frowning:

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I was so excited to come back to the game after about 10 months of not playing… I’d finally heard good things about WoW again. I purchase a month of game time and immediately cannot play. I honestly don’t know why I’m surprised anymore.

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Relax people a fix is coming soon and hopefully it will help

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MY TOONS WILL STARVE. Can someone pls send some bigmechs?

Same thing here, not happy!
I was playing earlier, everything was working fine. Then I came back after lunch to log in and BAM, no characters on my server!!!

I took a screenshot, and recorded a video trying to log in.

Every time there is a new launch they cheep on there servers for the rush of player and we get stuck with a game we cant play

The issue will get fixed. Sheet happens peeps.

All my Characters are gone.

i was able to play yesterday just fine this morning i log into the game and see that it says my graphic card need to update and it doesnt ive checked and when i do get in its been lagging and now its says all my toons are not found

I remember seeing you doing dailies (I think?) the other day and your name made me giggle. It’s how I teach people to talk in my accent, or an exaggerated version anyway. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

How many of us can program a game that supports millions of people? oh none or very few ok then shut it and wait for the fix lol.