Character Not found

hmm not a bad idea maybe we can create new chars!

Just got in

Will time be credited to accounts affected by this issue? This seems like something that should be a breaking news bulletin on the application or at least on the login screen for the game. I had to ask around on guild discord and then come search the forums for any kind of “update”.


‘delete the cache’ hehehehehheheh

crossing my fingers; my forward navigation buttons (right/left mouse) have stopped working…:frowning:

I was able to log in after leaving it at the character selection screen for about 10min then trying to enter world. Let me know if this works for any of you guys.

The same issue here was playing fine until about 730 CDT now I cannot see or create any new characters. The game is unplayable.

Azgalor, was kicked from server just like yesterday. When I tried to log back on, no characters on any realms. Just. Like. Yesterday. Seriously frustrating to have two days of little to no play because our characters are banished to the void.

3 hrs now wtf

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I hope but I doubt it

nope there never is

worked for me

I do feel that some form of compensation is in order. Not because we can’t log in or play, I get that, sometimes bad things happen but more so because this delay is causing me…NAY FORCING me to spend more time with my family. Seriously, that has to be worth a day or two.


For real not even one word about this bug from them and its been two days! :nauseated_face: I thought I got hacked before coming here to check the forums, :nauseated_face: that was a bit nerve wrecking.

I agree both nights have been basically unplayable which are the only times I am able to play so I have missed out on 2 days since the new patch.

they have replied Ver just told everyone there are trying a new fix in 30 mins ( 12 mins ago ) how about people chill and just wait see if it helps


Having the same issue. It’s really frustrating when you only have a certain amount of time to play (3 hrs), and you spend all of it trying to log in to the damn game with no resolution.

Dang, worked all day and was really looking forward to playing tn :confused:

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They literally just replied that they’re rolling out a hopeful fix.