Character Not found

Finally got in after i got some box where one of my options was reload UI

I have been unable to log in since pre-patch…2 full days now where all my characters say “Character not found”…this whole time it has been “we are aware and are working it”… do your techs have any idea what’s going on? and what are you going to do for those of us who are paying you but have no access whatsoever? I would like a real update from your teams and a real plan on how you are going to take care of us who have not been able to log in for days.

I did it; got into the game and my movement keybinds were gone. my characters just stand there. strafe and back up work just no right/left mouse functions. I’m stumped.

Thanks so much for doing your best to keep us posted, @Vrakthris! Very much appreciated. :slight_smile:


I guess we gotta wait 25 mins to see if they fix this crap.

omg its work

Just kept trying to log in and eventually it went through, didnt do anything special.

Im having the same issues

Any updates? This is pretty absurd considering the $100 I spent on shadowlands on top of the $15/month I pay for this game.

same here, none of my characters show up on the realm screen. After a time once i click my realm, my characters show up and when I try to log in, I get the “Character Not Found” message.

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On a side note i decided to have a midday punt cause WoW was down, just won $410 off a $10 bet, Odds boosted a $26-1 Doggy to $41 - 1, Thanks Blizzard =D

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I too am having the same problem in Ysera. I was able to log in yesterday and play with no problems, but today after a long pause, I am taken to a long realm list with no characters listed.

Thanks for the updates!

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I just logged in with a lv 1 character

When can we expect a fix for this bug, the application is saying that my :skull_and_crossbones:password is incorrect despite having changed it three times. :skull_and_crossbones: On top of that I finally get in with my :broken_heart:clearly correct yet some how incorrect password :broken_heart: and don’t have any existing characters. :disappointed_relieved:

Not to add fuel to the fire of the problems going on…BUT I WAS told that I would be able to play the game without installing it. Much to my dismay that simply is not working. If you could provide an update on how the non-installation play fix is coming along. Thanks! :stuck_out_tongue:

sigh this again really hope this gets fixed sooner then last time guys :frowning: its mildly annoying when i get home from being at work all day and cant play. :frowning:

There’s just been a blue post. :eyes:

yea still cant see any of my toons deleted the cache file still nothing hopefully fixed soon

The description provided by Almeera is exactly what I am seeing. To add to that, I had this problem yesterday night, Oct 13, from about 10:00 pm eastern until about midnight, when I was able to get into all my characters. I attempted to log in an hour ago and seeing the same issue again. I have tried multiple servers, and multiple accounts. All have the same problem.