Character Not found

I am having the exact same issues too. I was online at 5pm PST then logged off to take wifey to work came back and HAD to search for my realm and then took 4ever to log into that realm and then chose one of my main characters and it got to 75% load and kicked me then went back to character select screen and prompt me a message… " Character Not Found" !! I tried all my characters and it said the same message. It’s in regards to the realms " New players" being full and over flowing with a wait line too. >>> Azshara realm

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Trollbane actin up as well but good too know that yall are keeping us updated periodically, Thanks for that

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I don’t even complain then if my internet service doesn’t work for a short amount of time, because I REALIZE issues exist.

Lol… like seriously…

Mismo problema aqui en Area 52, desde ya casi 1 hora.

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I miss old Blizzard… the more activisions sinks their claws the worse it gets.

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there are a lot of system changes that go into effect and these are big changes. this is way bigger than the il squish and way more complex. they problem had a few bugs that snowballed out of control. I was even experiencing jitter in the game

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Someone did the math on this and it would result in something like 12 cents? Less? Being refunded, or an extra hour or two of game time being added to your account. Neither of which is going to break the bank.

Can’t create characters either. “Character Creation Timed out” And I tried on Zul’Jin and other “New Player” realms

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Barthilas affected too, just incase no one else from there has posted =D

this is true, but this is obviously a huge deal. so one fix might fix some but not others, they have to keep tweaking what they are doing to get it to work for everyone. Everyone is on a different computer build, so give them some credit.

I JUST RESUBBED TO WOW and bought BFA and Shadowlands and I am unable to play because of this issue?!?! Will i be reimbursed for time lost?! I literally just spend almost $120 to play and can’t even get in.

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thunderlord server, doesnt show i have any characters on the server. says character cant be found.

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FF14 looks more appealing every day…sad times

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so titchcondius is competently offline and most of the other servers are super unstable why wont you guys just admit your wrong and being servers down for emergency maintenance or restarts

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They’re there. It’s because the realms are so full and overflowing with players making NEW toons.

Dear Blizz, I want my $1 ($15/mo / 30 days in a month = roughly $.50 daily) from not being able to log in yesterday and today…wait it was only after the service came back up yesterday so it wasn’t even a full day. Ok, give me $.75 and call it even…that’s if I can get on later this evening. LMAO


You crack me up Vrakthris! Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

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This situation just puts bad taste in the customers mouth… First we pushed back the expansion, then we released a half done prepatch while taking away corruptions. Didnt even get the prepatch event yet but we got a barber shop! then we cant even get the servers stable a day later.


they need to have a fix before they can do that

same for me im on Daggerspine been at it for over two hours now friends on the server are getting kicked.

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