Character Not found

Everyone, please let Vrakthris off the hook for this. I know that you want to play this exciting game of “where is smiggle” hiding today or right now. Blizzard is doing everything in its power to get us back in game. I am affected by this too and your bashing Vrakthris for something that he can’t do anything other than montioring the forums.


To be fair, this time they have stated they are working on the issue so they have acknowledged it is not us but them

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i was on and playing for about 1-2 hrs when i suddenly got disconnected and now i cant see any of my characters when i log in and it just brings me to the select a realm screen and not the character screen.

On Eitrigg can’t log in either.

Ty Vrakthris!

hopefully this makes people waiting to get back in feel better and gives you something to watch in the mean time



I’ve always wondered about people that demand more communication from Blizzard about stuff like this. You have a CS person actively responding in the ticket and provide what limited updates they themselves get. What do you want? A dev to sit there going, “I thought it might be this, but that seems fine, I’ll look here now?” They’re obviously working on it :slight_smile: Sucks to not be able to play, but I’m not going to say the devs or blizzard are the worst. Hell, they provide years of solid service and this is a stupidly major “patch” (eg. rework of the entire friggin game). I’m glad this is all happening now, and I’m sure by the weekend we’ll have the nice stable game that we all love and enjoy. Downtime is the exception, not the rule…


Zuluhed and galakrond working. Cudos to the mice!!!

Was able to log in briefly this afternoon. Tried to log in tonight, no characters showing. Selected my realm, no characters. After a few minutes they showed up, but when I selected one, loading got to about 90% and kicked me back to character selection with the “character not found” message. Edit: Skullcrusher server.

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We pay for a service, which is to be able to play the game. With these problems we can not play said game. Its only reasonable that we be comped sub time for being unable to play. When you ISP can’t give you internet for a time because their system broke they comp your bill for the lost time. Its only fair and reasonable that Blizzard does the same.


same. i can’t get on. i was on before, logged to take care of the dog, adn can’t get back on for going on 3+ hours.

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Not sure if just waiting a long time is a workaround, but I was able to finally get onto one of my characters on Ravenholdt.

Yup same here on Kilrogg

Same Issue here! Stormrage server :slight_smile:
Thanks for keeping us posted Vrakthris!

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I am getting a (very short) queue that appears when I try and log in now. Still ends up with same results of no server showing up after long wait, or if I manually select the server, no toons are playable with “character not found”. But, I think this shows they are trying different fixes as we speak.

to be fair they acknowledged it yesterday as well but we are still having the same issue

Just got back in 10 secs ago - Bleeding Hollow

Same its been about an hour of my trying to log in. :rage:

i highly doubt you were called a ‘lair’ lol.
or a liar for that matter.

they are well aware people have been having this issue repeatedly since yesterday but keep venting at them about something that likely didn’t happen.

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All three of my characters are missing. North America. Azgalor, Doomhammer and Wildhammer.