"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Most of us want a newer game direction, stop being simps to nostalgia, and let us finally push for a more enjoyable game. OSRS has flourished after its “no nee changes” phase. WoW can too.

Who is this, “most of us”? We want TBC. The entire reason Classic became a thing is because enough players wanted vanilla. The same for TBC, and Wrath. Maybe after that - if there’s not enough demand for Cata - they’ll look into options, and I do believe they’re thinking about it for Classic at some point, but right now TBC is what’s going to happen.

The changes that are coming are only what is needed, not wild and risky changes that could ruin the entire thing.

1). Well good for you if you like tourist who come to make trouble, troll and change the way the game is played. And, then leave the game.
2). There’s data out there that confirm Shadowland player lost and earnings. It’s Super Data a Neilson rating company that’s been around longer than Blizz. I can’t help you if you don’t acknowledge it or live in a fantasy world.
3). Change the name of Classic TBC if your going to change the way it’s played. Boosting wasn’t in the original TBC. Using boosts is exploiting the game by skipping content to get an advantage above other player’s by getting an earlier start towards raid gear. Not using boosts will enable to meet more friends, learn your class better and find out what makes money in the Auction House. You will learn more stories behind each zone. Boosting opens the door for play to win services. If you want boosting go play in Shadowlands.

Seriously? From a blue post? Don’t have CM’s like we used to…sad.


You seem to be under the very stupid impression that the only people who should be allowed to play WoW are people with 100% retention.

That wasn’t the case in vanilla, it wasn’t the case in classic and it won’t be the case in TBC classic. Boosts have nothing to do with it.

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TBC does start at level 58. They aren’t wrong.

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I am just saying if your going to call it Classic TBC it should be made for classic player’s. Boosting is not Classic. Do you understand the words coming out my mouth? lol. Or do you typically call things stupid that you don’t understand. You know it’s a long way down falling off your horse.

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Hmm… I wasn’t talking about the naming of what blizzard wants to call TBC Classic.

You just didn’t understand the point that boosts have nothing to do with players who just want to play for a limited amount of time for whatever. You very incorrectly seem to think that players had 100% retention until some magically point and then people started leaving.

How is letting people play TBC without going through old content changing the game? If you never heard about it you wouldn’t know it happened. It doesn’t affect you it doesn’t change the game for it, it’s lets people play with other people on launch day rather than doing old content for weeks only to get to the starting line while other are reaching max leveling and raiding.

Who are you to say what is or isn’t Classic? Which change from Vanilla doesn’t keep Classic from being classic? Automated mail? Is that okay? You like being able to get everything out of your mail box without having to click on each mail? That’s not Vanilla. You like not having to type people’s names when sending to someone on your friends list or in your guild? That wasn’t in Vanilla. You like accurate threat meters and being able to see the health of mobs? That wasn’t in Vanilla. If you are using addons that weren’t in Vanilla you need to remove then because that’s not classic. Where are your complains about playing on modern servers, 16:9 or if you are lucky ultra wide monitors? Where are your objections about the servers staying up for more than two days at a time that didn’t happen in Vanilla either.

TBC Classic is TBC classic because Blizzard brought TBC back just like Classic brought vanilla back there are very few experiences I’ve had in Classic that were exactly how they were in Vanilla. The community isn’t the same and the game should be better than it was as long as it doesn’t make it worst and a boost doesn’t hurt anyone and brings more people into the game which is good for gamers and good for the community. If you don’t want boosts and can’t come up with a good reason you are just being selfish.

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1). People using boosts to skip content will have an unfair advantage gathering resources especially on a PVP realm. Because they will be level 58 as oppose to someone just starting out. Boosts allow more people to gank lowbies in a PVP realm. Boosts will also make it easier to get a raid spot earlier than people who can’t afford a boost. Which in effect boosts become a pay to win feature. I suggest looking up older threads on how boosting effects the game for a more intensive explanation.
2). I started playing since WOTLK and have played every expansion since then. I would like to experience Classic TBC and what it has to offer. If it offers a retail service such as boosting, I would not be interested. I would be offended. But if Blizz offered a Classic + TBC version I would try it because I don’t like SL and a Classic TBC version was unavailable. Blizz should just change the name instead of offending peoples integrity. Does it make sense to you?
3.) Private servers brought back classic games back first before Actiblizz realized a potential profit could be made. People also could go back to private servers if Actiblizz doesn’t change their ways. So far I don’t think people are upset over addons because they were used back then.

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The relevant mats in TBC will be in outlands. A level 58 in junk gear is at quite a disadvantage compared to a 60 in good gear.

You will, boosts do not impact anything in the actual game world. So you will be able to experience all the dungeons raids and open world pretty much as it was.


Blizzard: we have the boost so people can jon and not have to level to start the new content.

Also blizzard: new races will have to level in all the old content.

Also he is ignoring that they have to level up those gathering professions which, depending on profession, can take 6-12+ hours.


This again? I literally threw my hands up in the air. How is a 58 going to have an unfair advantage gathering resources when they don’t have professions at all? What does a PVP realm have to do with it? No freshly boosted 58 is going to stand a chance against any T3 geared DPS class.

This is reaching. What’s stopping all the level 60’s from ganking lowbies? Nothing. Why would someone boost to 58 to gank lowbies? Why would anyone play on a PVP server after seeing how terrible they are on the forums?

Who can afford $15 a month, internet, and a computer, but not a one time fee of $30 - $60? That doesn’t make any sense if someone’s finances are that tight they shouldn’t be wasting $15 a month on a wow subscription.

You think people are going to wait for someone who’s still leveling when people are 70 and raiding Karazhan? This is one of the issues the boost specifically solves. A player that’s force to level up from 1 to 58 will not get a raid spot if their guild gets 25 players ready to raid before the leveling person gets to 70 and gets all of their attunements and quests completed.

You’ve never played it before so how would you know what was or wasn’t in the game and if I boosted my alt priest to 58 how would you know? How would it affect you? It wouldn’t affect you and it doesn’t affect you. Stop worrying about how others are playing the game.

No the name has nothing to do with anything the name isn’t “Vanilla TBC” which would be an attempt to make it as close to what it was back in the day. There is heritage associated with the term “classic”. Also if they make the game better why would you argue with that?

And again how will a boost affect you?

How will a boost affect you? How?

I specifically said:

but you are being pedantic and my point was you don’t care about authenticity and are hung up on how others play the game. Boosting doesn’t affect you and you wouldn’t know a player boosted unless they told you or unless the gear boosters get is easily identifiable


If someone wants to play with their friends they have other races they can boost. New races will be available to level in the pre-patch and they have all new starting zones and won’t be leveling in old content until they are around level 20 or higher.

ya it was called recruit a friend and gave you 300% XP bonus

“Herford”, “Ziryus”, I just figured it out. You pro boost guys are working for lazy streamers who don’t want to level up. Streamers get a lot of money showcasing so called classic TBC. And Actiblizz cashes in with the hype. You guys care nothing for the game I am betting. Your in for the money aren’t you? Know matter what I say your here to quash it. I am done with you guys. Peace I am out! lol… /drop the mic

Whooo… the tin foil hat just hit max level.

Maybe you should crank the conspiracy theories up to 11.


Imagine thinking that having a different opinion and perspective means you must be a shill.

Because there is no way you could just want a level 58 without investing 5-7 days doing something you don’t enjoy. That’s madness!


OSRS polls potential changes and needs an overwhelming majority to make those changes. id love that for classic+, not classic regular.