"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Ya but you see there’s a whole other wow client called retail designed for players who prefer convenient features, so maybe you should try that game out. See how that works?


Well if you work for actiblizz you could say that. But maybe there could be a change of heart and the game could stay true to classic TBC. We won’t know until it’s actually out or data mined. So speculate all you want. Their to afraid to give TBC a release date.

Yes stick to classic if you don’t like X YZ is as ridiculous as stick to retail if you do like X Y Z.

But I see a lot more people telling others to go back to retail.


Then maybe you should present better arguments than #nochanges, a position blizzard has made clear they aren’t taking at face value for TBC classic.

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Nah, I didnt like post Cata. Just wasnt for me. I liked TBC and Wrath. If I didnt have to level back in the day, I defiantly wouldnt have. Btw, just because I like one or two features that are QoL, why would I like retail over TBC? I dont see how they would turn classic into retail.


Beta has’nt came out yet. You know nothing jon snow.

Well best of luck if you can’t come up with anything better than #nochanges

Well if we know anything about Blizzard, they love our money.

Blizzard loves money. Their chasing it out of retail because we all know where that game is going. People are walking away from Shadowlands and they will do the same to classic TBC if they don’t change there ways and listen and advocate for the classic player.

People are walking out of classic now as well, what’s your point?

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I beg to differ. People are coming back to classic because of TBC. Already mass speculation that beta will be coming out March 16th. And today leaks poor out that TBC will drop May 18th this year. So believe what you will. Always follow the money trail.

So what you’re saying is that classic despite not having those awful boosts saw a big drop in population and they’re only coming back for new content? Weird…

I can’t possibly imagine the same thing will happen in TBC Classic regardless of boosts…

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The problem you are referencing is not caused by the lack of an LFG tool.

The same groups not being formed won’t be in there.

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There most certainly is: the tedious leveling through content that won’t matter.

How does this affect you?

How is speculation any kind of evidence strong enough to form an opinion?

There is no evidence to support TBC launching in 4 weeks. Go look at what was found and see how vague it is. Neither Beta or the pre-patch has gone live yet.

Blizzard is a business and not a charity. Why do people criticize businesses for making money?

I don’t see what the issue is. Boosts do not affect you at all. You wouldn’t know if my main was leveled after I replaced all my gear with TBC quest items. You wouldn’t know and it won’t affect you.

People who like TBC and didn’t like classic would benefit from skipping the content they didn’t want to play. I don’t see how that makes TBC retail all of the sudden and saying “go back to retail” isn’t the best attitude to have in an MMO RPG. Clearly they are vastly different.

What is the standard for “true Classic TBC”? If you mean the original back in 2007 that will never exist again, just like the Classic WoW experience couldn’t be exactly the same as it was back in Vanilla the Classic TBC experience can’t be replicated.

I don’t even know what you meant to say. How is a boost “exploiting the game”? How is skipping content that doesn’t matter an exploit? What does the name have to do with anything?

“retail tourists” Somehow you are better than people wanting to try out TBC? That kind of attitude doesn’t belong in an MMO. Do you even remember the point of an MMO?
What does a boost have to do with bots? Why would a botter pay for a boost when they can level their bots while they sleep? Why would a botter risk losing money by boosting and getting banned? What good is a 58 with no professions?

Do you see the irony?

Nope convenience features don’t kill the community or ruin retail. All the systems-all the changes no one asked for, removing class identity, removing class quests, removing hit , expertise, defense, and making gear just higher numbers rather than having to make any reach choices ruined the game.
The “community” isn’t affected by any of these conveniences. The only time anyone talks in a pug in when it’s necessary. I was in an 40 MC PUG last night and only 12 people said anything. I’ve been in tons of dungeons in Classic where no one said anything except “Inv”, “hello”, and “thx for run” if that. The only time people talk is when content gets hard and that content is only worth doing if players are rewarded for their time spent. Adding in boosts do not affect the game in a negative way and in no way affect you or other players.

Not once have any of you anti-boost people provided any objective evidence to support your claim of someone boosting to 58 will affect you. Any excuse you guys have given is either wrong, not likely to happen, or is worrying about how someone else plays the game when it doesn’t affect you.

You don’t have to go to a Major city there are player made channels for people to find groups wherever they are in the world. Just ask in General chat what the name of the looking for group channel is, it’s likely close to LFG or Lookingforgroup. Also how is having to wait in a city doing nothing for an hour or two a good thing? How is that community engagement? How is that worth defending?

This is exactly why Blizzard created sharding. If 100 people started leveling at the same time in a week a small portion would be 70, some would be 60, some would be 50 and so on. There wouldn’t be enough people at the same level at the same time to run dungeons on a regular basis. Unless everyone logs in at the same time and levels at the same rate there won’t be enough people around the same level at the same time to run dungeons.

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Yes classic saw a drop. Because Shadowland was so bad people walked away from blizzard all together. That means the retail tourist playing classic left too. There are plenty of people who are not ready to quit their Blizz account yet, because they want to play TBC. TBC could draw in more players who left Blizz long ago. But we won’t find out until Actiblizz ends their censorship of world of warcraft player numbers.

Classic population was dropping because all the retail tourist were leaving. Shadowlands was really that bad. Super Data confirmed a 41% drop in Shadowland players since launch and 60% profit loss in Q4. Shadowland players left and they took their classic accounts with them. So retail player’s and Actiblizz shouldn’t convert classic content with retail improvements. Or more players will leave the game.

Why do you keep calling people who stopped playing “tourists”? Why do you have to label people who aren’t as “hardcore” as you think you are “tourists”?

The classic population has dropped because there isn’t any more content.

There isn’t anything I’m likely to get out of Naxx now that I’ve got full T3, the healing shield from KT and the healing mace from C’Thun. I’m still raiding to support the guild because they are a great group of people and I’m still having fun. I’m sure a bunch of players who’ve already gotten their last BiS items are having a hard time prioritizing raiding anymore and who can really blame them. Why would a player spend 100 - 200g in consumables for a raid they won’t get anything out of when they can just take that gold to TBC instead?

A few changes that don’t negatively affect the game won’t suddenly turn TBC into retail just like doing an extra rep on the bench press won’t suddenly turn you into a massive bodybuilder, it’s ridiculous hyperbole.

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1). Why do you deny that some people aren’t tourist?
2). 41% of people left Shadowlands according to Super Data. What makes you think they didn’t play Classic?
3). So what, people aren’t raiding. People are making gold for TBC and earning titles in PVP. Not every guild has cleared Naxx. Why do you think all classic players will quit after they cleared Naxx?
4). It’s ridiculous to call something Classic when in fact your changing the way the game is played. Kinda false advertising eh?

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Why do you think that makes them retail players, or that “true” classic players have 100% retention?

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I don’t look down on people or give them a condescending label when they don’t play the game the same way I do especially when it doesn’t affect me.

With no data to support where they went or how many people left why would I form an opinion about something that doesn’t matter

I never said I thought all classic players will quit after they cleared Naxx. Why are you assuming my opinion?

“Your changing” Classic was never going be played the same way it was back in the Vanilla so I’m not sure what point you are trying to make. A boost in TBC lets people play the content that matters and not the content that doesn’t. Vanilla didn’t launch with thousands of players on each server trying to log in at the same time. The community is different, ISP are different, PCs are different, the game engine is different, the servers are different. Blizzard never promised to recreate the same exact experience from Vanilla they got close, but the modern community wasn’t going to recreate the same experience people had back when the game launched.

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