"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Is your guild going to wait to fill out their raid roster after all the people who started leveling at level 1 get to 70 or are you going with a first come first serve kind of raid roster? Is the entire server going to wait so those people can get into Ramparts? I already have characters at 60 I don’t need the boost, but I know people out there didn’t like classic and I can image anyone leveling now must be bored out of their minds if they haven’t quit playing already. Raiding in classic is fun for me, but leveling sucks it a terrible experience.

It was cool reading all these posts but #nochanges has me hoping they put the boost in a pre patch just to piss you guys off even more. To think of all those people skipping all that classic content while it is still technically classic. I will buy all my friends boosts, even if they dont want one. I hope they are level 60 before the dark portal even opens.

You just want to get out of any accountability by saying “Well our comment was for CLASSIC, which we now call CLASSIC ERA. This is TBC CLASSIC, totes different!!1”

Also, Burning Crusade does not begin at 58, Outland begins at 58. It’s sad to see that Blizzard sees it this way.

Just a reminder, TBC was an Expansion to WoW, not a separate game.


I didn’t realize I couldn’t level my night elf right now because it’s added in TBC.

I’ve always felt that a recruit a friend service would be less damaging to the game than an instant level 58 boost. At least with recruit a friend players would still be completing quests, dungeons and clearing content that would have otherwise been skipped entirely.


The premise that people cannot be bothered with the time and “slog” necessary to level to 58 is such a false flag argument…

You don’t have the time? I bet you won’t make it to the first raid tier in The Burning Crusade. You want to talk about “slog”? Have you even SEEN the attunement chart for that expansion? I am convinced that most people who will take the level 58 boost to “save time leveling” have never played the original Burning Crusade and have absolutely NO IDEA of what kind of barriers there are in the end game. You think leveling from 1-58 (with a 30% decrease in leveling time) is a time sink?

You are all in for quite an unpleasant surprise when you get to the end game of the Burning Crusade. I predict that most of the boosted characters (other than perhaps some alts created by Classic players) will be LONG gone after seeing just what kind of barriers there are in the Burning Crusade with respects to getting through the attunements for the end game.

Of course Blizzard will STILL have your money for the paid boost, so I am quite sure they will not be too phased with the loss of the subscriptions. They do appear to be in this for the short game, after all. :smiley:



It’s not that they can’t be bothered or don’t have the time. It’s that it’s intended for people who want to play TBC and with their friends not being behind for however long it takes them to even get to Outland. They want players to be given the choice to start in Outland from the start.

Also, leveling is a massive time sink and is very different from endgame.

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If they don’t want to be behind and play with their friends, I have some good news for them. They can actually start leveling right now to get to 60!! There is absolutely nothing holding them back.

Or, they could wait for the pre-patch and get the faster BC leveling along with the Blood Elves and Draenei and once again they will not be behind!! Novel ideas I know and I wish I could take credit for them but unfortunately they have been one of the staples of RPGs and MMORPGs since the genre came out.

As far as leveling being a massive time sink… Wow, do you have a rude awakening awaiting you in the Burning Crusade end game. You should probably get all these “friends” who want to skip over the leveling and get right to the non-time sink part to Google the attunements and end game for TBC before they spend their money on a boost. Might save them some money and frustration down the road. :slight_smile:



The launch of TBC is going to get a lot more attention than what it is now, and people who are interested in playing TBC and who aware of it are already leveling now. But that doesn’t mean that is true for everyone.

As for with the pre-patch, likely many people are also waiting for that to level BE/Draenei.

This is all entirely relevant to the influx of players we’ll see when TBC actually launches.



sure, i have 3 60s now but turns out i want to main priest on tbc but there is just no way i can fathom leveling a priest in classic…
im taking the boost

changes are fine but only when they are in the spirit of classic/bc or make the game feel more like it did then (ex: pre nerf bosses in tbc). The level boost is the antithesis of this, please re think this blizz


if that’s the case then why don’t newly made blood elves and draenei start at level 58?


Because they’re new and TBC specific content, including their starter zones.

They did, however, let us roll them with the prepatch this time which is massive.

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No it doesn’t - the class abilities, balancing, and talent trees make it a completely different game. I guess if you want to argue that level 10 is the beginning, OK. 58…that’s just like…you know…your opinion, man.


Class abilities and balancing in TBC 1-60 zones isn’t really dissimilar from Vanilla 1-60. It’s not like they made the expansion and revamped all the Vanilla stuff. TBC is about the actual content they add. They said it begins at 58 because that’s the minimum recommended level to do Hellfire Peninsula. You know this, you’re just being a stubborn fool and opposing the boost with any ridiculous argument you can out of emotion. Personally, I think a once per account boost is fine if limited to new accounts only, or at the very least to accounts that don’t have a 55+ character.

you know what else they lied about?

even doing a classic version of the game. at all. they said they werent gonna do it. they went back on their word and gave us all a fun game to play.

just because boosts doesnt personally benefit you doesnt mean they are gonna destroy the game.

It’s not gatekeeping. Boosts destroy the 1-60 world. TBC isn’t just about end-game. It’s an EXPANSION, not a separate game.
Classic is about an immersive world, not pay-to-skip.


this game is call the world of warcraft or the world of outlands ???

this is everything again classic $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ what a shame


And TBC Classic will have an immersive world, in outlands. Skipping an almost entirely solo leveling experience 1-58 isn’t hurting anyone or anything.