"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

So we can agree we are equally lazy :slight_smile:

But since you pulled up the video to find the exact timestamp… but refuse to link it…

you actually have brain damage, im sorry. ignored troll.


/shrug a youtube link with a stamp that you claim to have already researched and should have…

Maybe… Theres a chance it gets nerfed to 5%

The question you’re referring to was asking specifically about FRESH START CLASSIC servers, not BC servers. However, she seems to have answered the question regarding BC servers with a pretty hard no, but left open the possibility of looking at fresh CLASSIC servers after they get the BC launch off the ground.
Will you open Fresh classic servers in addition to the TBC servers?
Great question. For our timeline for Burning Crusade Classic we won't be launching any fresh servers but I can promise you its uh we have our eyes on that in our future and we'll be discussing it once we get through a stable and successful launch with Burning Crusade Classic.

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Depending on how packed the Classic TBC realms are at launch, it wouldn’t surprise me if Blizzard opened up some brand new realms, like they did back when TBC launched in 2007. So you guys might get the fresh realms you were asking for.

Hopefully they’ll just stick with layering and not create new servers just because of an initial surge.

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You know what is for me?

That 58 boost nah mean? :rofl::rofl::joy::rofl:

To be fair they also said no RPPVP originally for Classic launch.

Then we got #GROBMOB

Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. Since when did an MMO allow you to quickly catch up. This is an awful decision by blizzard. I hope this gets changed and reverted. This boost makes ZERO sense. Why do you think players who couldn’t level in classic, would miraculously be able to play burning crusade a lot? These players had over a year to level up. These players should not be reward for PAYING TO WIN. What is stopping people from buying a ton of accounts and buying boosts to camp herb or mining nodes? Running Cooldowns for tailoring and alchemy. Blizzard this is disgraceful. Remove the boost


I hope they make boosted characters unable to be duplicate onto classic servers !

He’s wrong.



To add to my past posts on various threads… I am for the 58 boost BUT ONLY IF IT IS FREE. The boost is for brand new players who must purchase a game and subscription ALREADY and for the player who maybe tried classic, hated it and is on the fence about even trying tbc. Why shoot yourself in the foot, Bliz? Neither of these 2 guys are going to shell out $25 for a boost. Those who already play classic or classic/retail already have toons poised to run thru the portal. There is no massive pool of people waiting to be tapped for tbc that isn’t already in game somewhere. There might be some who take the boost for profs just because it’s there but will they pay? Doubt it.

they aren’t, what makes you think they are?

duplicating your character onto vanilla realms is a decision you have to make when you log in when prepatch goes live. assuming the 58 boost is even available at prepatch, you still have to log in in order to use said boost

Please go read the TBC page before commenting nonsense.

Duplicating characters will be a paid service.
Thank you

To further elaborate on how wrong he is. Here’s a select few items that will showcase how close some Vanilla items are to their TBC counterparts:


Mender’s Heart-Ring is from Karazhan. Pure Elementium Band is from Blackwing Lair.


Sapphiron’s Right Eye is better than any pre-raid healing offhand you can get in TBC. The first item you’d consider replacing it with, would be Aran’s Soothing Sapphire:


Which is more of a sidegrade than anything.

C’thun healing neck is about equivalent to anything you find pre-raid in TBC:


Ke’thuzad shield from a pure healing standpoint is slightly better than the badge shield:


I could probably list another hundred examples. This common misconception that Naxx gear (even stuff before Naxx) is awful in TBC, is just outright false.

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You’re the one spouting nonsense. You have a decision upon logging in after prepatch to either remain on the current server, or transfer to new Vanilla Classic servers, and are given an optional, paid service to instead clone the character. Get off that high horse

Reasons why a one time boost is bad for the game taken from another post on the forum.

  1. Oversaturates reputability of 70s. Less trust can be attributed if there is less investment into making a max level.
  2. Unfairness. The accomplishments of others are diminished if others can purchase it.
  3. Foot in the door. The foundation is being set for retail-esque economic pilfering from your credit card. WoW Token is next, but it won’t be the last.
  4. Lessens achievement and increases customer egress. The evidence is crystal clear that people view time sacrificed into something, even abstract, supplants the value into that something. If there’s no time sacrificed into creating a character, there isn’t the commensurate value applied. This will cause a spike of players at launch but significantly increase the quantity, both relatively and absolutely speaking, of players leaving.
  5. Dilutes valuations of level gated resources. This will make it so that people who have actually participated in game actions are rewarded appropriately, such as making primals. People who paid with their credit card will get a gold bonus as well by tapping into this bottlenecked resource and unjustly enrich themselves.
  6. Bots will buy it and the problem will accelerate. Blizzard is at fault for horrid bot detection and clearly corrupt executives looking to pad their subscription count by allowing an immersion-breaking level of automated players to extract value in more ways than one in the game. This just allows the executives decisions to continue to hurt players but increase numbers shareholders want to see.
  7. You want it because it’s so valuable. That’s a bad sign that the ethos of Blizzard is now becoming one that will allow for retail crybabies to get their decisions heard because they’re willing to spend money. Classic was a way to recapture people that don’t like retail, yet retail players have found it’s more fun (for some of them) than retail, then have the absolute audacity to ask for the same changes that created the steaming pile that is retail in this oasis away from Blizzard modern design. The idiocy one requires to ask for the same pathway that ended up in destruction after seeing the experiment that is retail end up the way it did is mind boggling but since IQ is a bell curve I’m not surprised people who favor boosts exist.

Ok sweet cheeks

Quote from blizzard website : You’ll be able to make a choice for each of your individual characters

Thank you

Yeah? What does that have to do with anything?

“Thank you”


Quote directly from TBC webpage : Players who want to experience the best of both worlds will have the option to unlock both “clones” of each WoW Classic character as an optional paid service

Can you stop now? You’re annoying and you can’t admit you’re wrong.
Thank you.