"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

I’m genuinely impressed at how hostile you can be with absolutely no provocation

Everything you’re quoting has zero relation to the boost

How so ?

Basicly from what they are saying, you can boost your character and then pay for it to be cloned on a classic server.

This was my initial question, to which you attacked me with no meat at all.

Please go play in the sand square with your pals.
Thank you… NOT

No, when you log into the character you’re given the option to stay, transfer, or clone

You can’t boost a character without first logging into them. and, again, this assumes the boost will even be available with prepatch instead of starting at the actual launch

??? I’ve done no such thing, YOU started with the hostility

watch out boys, we got a badass over here

“It’s for players who want a way to quickly join their friends in Outland” why not just implement Recruit a friend then? is that not more inline with the classic experience? Be it classic or classic TBC.
There are so many people with multiple accounts and they will buy a boost on each and for example get tailoring on all of them and pump out cloth CDs like crazy and print gold.

And for the botters? they will find a way to profit from this even more, making it worth the sub and the cost of the boost from the gold they will make IF they get banned, and i stress the IF they get banned.

We all know how lacking blizzard is when it comes to handling bots, its no use to do these mass ban waves that you have been talking about before.
When you eventually do the ban wave they will already have made a huge profit from the gold they were farming and they will just buy a new account, buy the boost and start all over again.

The “It’s for players who want a way to quickly join their friends in Outland” just feels like a big lie and just another reason for Blizzard and Activision to squeeze more money from their players.

Just my two kronor from all over here in Sweden.


Ok you’re one hell of a troll. Let me re-post what I just posted so you can ignore it again.

The person you are arguing with is an intentionally obtuse troll on these forums who does not have a level 60 character, yet jumps into classic raiding conversations on the forums. Just disregard them and move on.


once again, that quote has literally nothing to do with what I said

I don’t think you know what that means

also, something you don’t agree with =/= troll

That is quite a weak come back.

100% you’re trolling.

10/10 would argue again.

it’s not a “comeback” to anything, there’s no argument to come back against. you quoted something that has no relation to what I said

Neither does your “answer” to my post.
Move on thank you

move on, good advice. should’ve done so the moment troll accusations started getting thrown out

shame on me for expecting an actual, civil conversation

Well, I presented actual FACTS to disprove your statement but you denied my proof with nothing and kept denying.

This is not my problem anymore.

gRaMmAr iS nOt ImPoRtAnT! OnLy My FeElInGs!

Sounds like a you problem.

Isn’t there like…new quest hubs, better rewards, 2 new starting areas, revamped talents that all make an impact on 1-58?

Just to clarify, you saying this is as if every character I make should just start at lvl 58. Why am I paying extra to be level 58, if in your words that’s where the game starts.


Objectively wrong as they revamped the leveling system over the course of TBC. A lot more quests are available, the rewards are better itemized and overall the leveling experience is just more enjoyable and less tedious.

Level 1-60 in vanilla does not = 1-70 in TBC.


The storylines are the same, the objectives are the same, the overall progression path is the same

taking the knot out of a length of rope does not suddenly make it an entirely new length of rope

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I mean it’s really not the same if you play through it. There is a substantial amount added to the old world.

Sure the objective is the same but it’s a lot different when you play it.

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just because a speed bump was taken out of the road doesn’t mean point A now leads to point C instead of point B

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Why they are not giving recrut a friend instead ? that was in tbc back in the day and boost was not.

If they want money why they dont sell pet in the store from the wow trading card game ?

58 boots is going to be exploited by bot, minmaxer and it will become the meta lol