"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

i loved the vanilla experience. meh on the classic experience. as it was essentially a private server experience that was thrust on us, without consent. you do realize that retail has existed since vanilla was retail and we’ve all done all of this stuff 934759348753458 times over the years? we didn’t just pop up fully formed from retail only pods specifically to come to the classic forums to troll.

100% agree with you. I am sick of people telling me that Boosting exists because players pay IN GAME gold to a mage on an alt, in which the Gold they are paying that mage or character to boost was earned by PLAYING THE GAME on their main. lol. Automatic Free / Paid Boosts are nothing close to IN-Game boosts, period! One requires you to still play the game, the other does not at all.

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Normally the issue is manifest in running dungeons with people who have no clue how to play their class because they had someone else level it. So I suspect that’s where most of the animus comes from.

just don’t even bother keybinding wrath. you’ll OOM yourself. you just dot and spam starfire iirc. XD

I find it infinitely amusing just how aggressive the anti-boosters are toward anything that doesn’t cater specifically to them


that’s how they initially bullied everyone else out of the game. and then use that fact to say none of us “care” about classic and that’s why we’re “retailers trolling classic” etc.


I was actually in this camp when boosts were first introduced way back in Pandaria

But history has shown now that bad players will be bad, boosted or otherwise

Not to mention the state of gameplay in Vanilla and BC isn’t exactly complex in the first place. If a boosted mage can’t figure out “spam frostbolt until your target is dead” then they’re not going to figure that out leveling normally either


Can I boost a Paladin on horde so I can play with my friends? :grin:

If you played back in vanilla/TBC/Wrath there were tons of terrible players at max level. The leveling experience didn’t teach people anything about how to actually play properly, especially in a group.


It may have been answered and I haven’t dug through every reply to see it but I’m hoping someone can clarify something for me. I see some news articles citing the blue post from this thread all saying things like

“WoW The Burning Crusade Classic Level Boost Service; Will Only be Available on the New TBC Realms”

My understanding was that current Classic servers are all being migrated to TBC servers, so they technically wouldn’t be New TBC servers, but existing migrated servers. Is the blue reply and post implying that the TBC level boost will only be available on newly created TBC servers and not the migrated servers? I’m assuming that’s not the case and that it’s just bad verbiage used by the news outlets.

Unfortunately no :cry: No Belf or Draenei boosts.

horde didn’t actually have playable paladins until cata tbh.

Holy Pallys has a pretty good representation in TBC, and while there weren’t a bunch of them, Prot Pallys were very popular in dungeons pre-2.4.3.

Of course Ret got it’s big boost in Wrath, so plenty of Horde Pallys playing then as well.

i refuse to acknowledge any horde paladin that doesn’t have a working /moo

Dang it…I see what you did there. I’m running kinda slow today. :grin:

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i know you know the true power of the /moo, sir. :slight_smile:

Until Sunwell where they joined Mages on the bench since they had zero AoE healing.

They were great at launch since they couldn’t go OOM. Especially with the early Divine Favor/Divine Illumination combo that actually returned mana.

I loved my Holy Pally but healing Magister’s Terrace on one was rough at the end.

As someone who spent entirely too many of his school years feverishly playing Vanilla in an effort to keep up with everyone else, I’ve never touched Classic since they relaunched it. Reason being? I have responsibilities now. It doesn’t get any more plain and simple than that. Back when I was in high school? Hell, missing homework or cramming last minute for a test because I was up late the night(s) before playing Vanilla wasn’t a big deal. If I tried doing that now? I’d have no job. I’d have no money to play the game, let alone a roof over my head in order for me to enjoy it. And this is coming from a guy who still manages to find nine or ten hours of a work day to still play games. Everyone ranting and raving about how great the original classic feeling is, good for you! Good for you to having a lifestyle that’ll let you sink upwards of 40-50 (or maybe more) hours a week into Classic. But guess what? I’m one of those folks who simply can’t manage that amount of dedication any more.

But then some great news! Blizzard is allowing players to level boost one character to 58 to immediately start in the Outland. That means I might actually be able to get a character to max level and find time to enjoy parts of the old game. My limited play time doesn’t feel so limited when you don’t first have to slog through 60 levels before being able to even glance at endgame. I did some calculations myself, y’know. If I managed to accomplish 8 hours a day of play time, I would need to earn seven and a half levels each day to get to 60 in a little over a week. Since that’s not going to happen in any way, shape, or form because of how slow leveling actually is (and I’m not a professional “speedrunner”), I’m looking at maybe 2-3 months of just drudging to 60 before anything else. Not interested.

58 to 70, though, is a lot more feasible. Twelve levels is still smaller than sixty even at -30% experience Outland offers, and going this route means I can make it to endgame without letting the game suck out my soul first. So for all you haters out there, y’all can bugger off. Y’all cling to your precious traditions way too much and no one particularly likes you at social gatherings because of it.


If you do not have time to play the "Classic " version of these games, which do indeed require TIME PLAYING, then continue playing your 5-10 hours a week in Retail and hey, guess what? You can time travel in retail back to TBC and play it there and still skip all the in-game dedication “Classic” will require you to do so.

Bottom line, there is a reason why there are now “Classic” versions of WoW and retail. The are differences, and will not cater to Everyone. Sounds like you need to just stick to your 5-10 hours playing Retail my man. Make life easy on yourself.


That’s almost as if you took an apple, painted it the color orange, and then called it the fruit orange. That’s not the same thing. Almost no part of retail has any trace of the old vanilla remaining; timewalking sure as hell isn’t anywhere near close to how vanilla/Burning Crusade/Wrath actually was. All you’ve really done is further cement my post: People are set in their traditions, even if those traditions aren’t particularly good.

Also, I find it ungodly amusing that a mage was the one to make this post. Considering mage is probably the only real “ez mode” classic class. Problem is, I don’t like mages.

Also, classic suggests that most of the game will be similar to original classic and not retail. That does not suggest that every single thing is going to remain exactly the same just because you want them to. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure Blizzard has already made sure to fix plenty of the more problematic bugs that plagued classic. Are you suddenly butthurt that those problematic bugs are no longer there and are ruining your “immersion into classic”?

Thought not.