"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Not understand your apple to orange analogy, but hey! No one is blaming you if your IRL schedule does not allow you to spend much time playing WoW. But, I find it a bit lame you believe that the “Classic” versions of these games should cater to those like yourself, when many of the base of Classic have dedicated players who can or are willing to spend the time needed to play the “Classic” versions of this game.

It is very simple. Stay in Retail if time is any issue. The cool thing about Retail is it allows someone like yourself to spend as little time needed, to as much time possible in-game. The Classic versions of these games should stay “Classic”, which requires time dedicated to playing, as yup…you guessed it…is how they were “Classically” back in the day.


You are being a pretty massive hypocrite here, my dude. Lemme get this straight, then. You find it a bit lame that I “supposedly” believe that Classic should cater to those like me (which I never even said to begin with, you’re doing the very rude thing of placing words into my mouth I did not say)… while completely ignoring the fact that you are very clearly believing that Classic should only cater to people like you who enjoy playing games “classically”. You couldn’t be any more of a hypocrite than if you painted a huge bloody sign that says “I’M A HYPOCRITE!!” in bright neon colors then taped it to your forehead.

Now, what I actually alluded to in my original post is that I don’t particularly see why Classic cannot cater to people like you who enjoy the whole self pro-claimed “classic experience” while also catering to people like me who wants to be able to jump in without also having to spend a few months leveling one single character with a single-minded determination. Obviously Blizzard agrees with me, and as such they’re offering players like you and players like me the best of both worlds. Problem is, players like you take this as an insult on a deeply personal level and take offense to this perceived slight even though what I want to do with my potential classic character has absolutely no bearing on you or how you personally want to play the game. I suppose I shouldn’t be overly surprised. This is the WoW community in a nutshell.


Thanks for replying Kaivax. At least now we know that you are not actively ignoring the problems people have with the boost, for better or worse.

It really doesn’t, and it’s worrying when Blizzard tries to take this approach to justify its need to monetize Classic.

In case you need a reminder; between TBC and Classic, the 1-58 content got:

  • Reduction in overall XP needed.
  • Updated quest rewards.
  • Additional quest hubs.
  • Eversong Woods/Ghostlands and Ammen Vale/Azuremyst Isle, zones with great lore and quests.
  • Making many non-instanced elite mobs non-elites.

and many more.

… How exactly? It’s a boost. Instead of leveling X many hours/days to get to level 58 (which is the definition of accomplishment - whether or not it’s difficult is irrelevant), you just spend $$$ and get a level 58 character.

It literally gives a “skip all Classic content” button! If a player has skipped Classic at launch and is returning for TBC (your target audience for this boost), the Classic content is still new content to them.

There will be tons of people leveling their blood elf/draenei characters, so the vanilla content will still be relevant. By introducing a boost to skip all that, you are actively making vanilla content irrelevant in a self fulfilling prophecy.

The bottom line is, Vanilla is a part of TBC. If you try to take out a part of the game with a boost, you are just repeating the same mistakes you did when you introduced boosts in the first place. There are clear differences between Classic and Retail, and you are trying to get out of it on a technicality by saying “Well we said CLASSIC, this is CLASSIC TBC, totally different!”.

There is a reason why WoW player numbers dropped in time, and while it wasn’t solely because of the introduction of boosts, they were a contributing factor in making the vast world of an MMORPG irrelevant. There is also another reason why WoW player numbers increased with Classic; there are still people interested in an old-school MMORPG where they need to work for things.

Blizzard, you are about to make the same mistake with TBC boosts. Please do not be short-sighted.

Ion mentioned that what Blizzard wanted to accomplish with Classic was to preserve the game feeling. I started the game in TBC, and I leveled from 1 - just like anyone else. That for me is the game feeling of TBC, not a modern day “skip all content with $$$”.

You could have easily implemented RaF, which was present in TBC, and would have gotten far less backlash over this.


I could not have said it better. Thank you for this post, and outlining each individual facts on the line. Boosts have no place in a “Classic” version of WoW.


These were all designed to speed up the leveling process to get to the real content of TBC.

BELF’s and Draenie can’t boost.


You need an incentive to convince the board to keep supporting the project. Otherwise blizzard is not a charity and their sub has been the same for years now. Even your Netflix sub is increasing a dollar every year, but I do not see you complaining about that

You mean aside from MORE THAN DOUBLING retails sub count?

Seems like more than enough incentive to me…

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https: //mmo-population .com/top/2020


https: //mmo-population .com/top/2021


https: //wowclassicpopulation. com/activity

classic activity since launch

https: //ironforge. pro/servers/?locale=US

highest pop alliance: 7268
highest pop horde: 6147

https: //www. wowrealmpopulation. com/wow-us-realms-population-alliance.php

highest alliance pop: 37209

https: //www. wowrealmpopulation. com/wow-us-realms-population-horde.php

highest horde pop: 54395

current population

you were saying? oh, right.

Take out boosts!!!


They’ll lose as many as they did over AV being 1.12 – very, very few.


Leave boosts in!!!


Played a human warrior from the original start, and did a lot of content with my guild, but did not really enjoy the War. Found a great Horde guild when my Alliance guild broke up, Switched to a BE pally and it was great. This is where the boost works for me. I can start that BE Pally tank and be there for the fresh content, in those early dungeons and raids, when we had to actually beat them with level appropriate gear etc.

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And this is Classic TBC, which never had pay to win ‘instant 58 levels’ either.
So that point is not valid.

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How about the doubling of the subscriber base for classic lol? You don’t need to increase anything because classic brought in millions of subscribers and millions of dollars. That’s incentive enough to keep the project going which is why we’re getting tbc. Don’t be fooled into thinkin they need to do boosts for tbc for it to be a financially viable endeavor or that they’re even introducing it for new players to get caught up because guess what? Accounts with level 60s on them are getting them and they’re caught up

You guys complaining about the boosts are pathetic. Gatekeep TBC more?

It IsNt LiKe ClAsSiC tO hAvE bOoStS, neither is having 0 dungeoning experiencing thanks to everyone just buying mage aoe runs, heavily inflated prices due to a f’d economy, the list goes on.

If literally doesn’t affect you.

Why would you want to hinder the potential numbers that would join in TBC exclusively? I can tell you there will be a plethora of people wanting to enjoy TBC classic over vanilla, because, let’s face it, vanilla sucked.


I am so tired of this “It doesn’t affect you” rhetoric. It’s right up there with “Well mages do AoE runs, so why not have Blizzard boosts instead heuurr?”

@Blizzard Boost not affecting me;
Yes, it does affect me. People boosting their characters means less people to interact in the vanilla zones. Less people to organically play the game with. Less people to meet up, join groups, run dungeons and eventually make friends.

The most fun I had was in Phase 1 when the world was full of people in all zones. The zones may be less full now, but with pre-patch (belf/draenei) and TBC (people returning/making alts), it would have been amazing time to relive those moments.

Did people forget why Classic was released? It was to relive the social aspects of the game. Retail exists for people who want to get to max level and enjoy the final expansion. Paid boosts are 100% against the spirit of Classic.

@Mage boosting is there, so Blizz boost is fine
Two wrongs do not make one right. At the very least, mage boosting is done via in-game mechanics (I personally think Blizzard should have intervened about level 60 mages boosting low levels, but it doesn’t matter now).

People who are against Blizz boost are not necessarily the same people who get boosted by mages. In fact I would argue that the people who are criticizing Blizzard about the boosts would be less likely to get boosted by mages. We simply want to enjoy ALL aspects of the game, 1 through 60, and 60 through 70.


I really disliked those lousy SM and Mara boosts. It stopped cooperative play of dungeons and made it hard to find those as healers and tanks and dps. I couldnt even test my skills in those dungeons because of how bad it got.

1 Like

https: //mmo-population .com/top/2020


https: //mmo-population .com/top/2021


https: //wowclassicpopulation. com/activity

classic activity since launch

https: //ironforge. pro/servers/?locale=US

highest pop alliance: 7268
highest pop horde: 6147

https: //www. wowrealmpopulation. com/wow-us-realms-population-alliance.php

highest alliance pop: 37209

https: //www. wowrealmpopulation. com/wow-us-realms-population-horde.php

highest horde pop: 54395

current population

retail has slapped classic around since inception. retail is still king. yall not liking it doesn’t change reality. facts not feelings, amirite?

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Activi$ion TBC.

Yeah, it looks like Activi$ion is giving Blizzard no choice in the matter with how they handle their games. Activi$ion is literally forcing them to do this.

Pay to Win option, they may as well sell Raid gear now too.

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well according to yall there’s TONS of new private servers that are available now that have 10k+ people on them that give you the “true” tbc experience, right? have fun. :slight_smile: