"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Level 58 is the bare minimum to enter Outland

If you want mandatory Vanilla Classic leveling they’re making separate servers to maintain Vanilla Classic. It’s a rather simple concept


The bare min lvl to begin in TBC is lvl 1

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As a draenie/belf. Which hey guess what can’t be boosted.

So no worries there.


there are people with 6 or more 60s right now because they went full sweatie leveling alts for professions. it’s not like there’s some “sanctity” in leveling because it’s so hard you can only do it once and then you’re so spent you can’t ever make an alt.

true fax, i did it.

i was a human mage

KEEP YOUR BOOSTS - but give us the opportunity to move to servers that boosts are unavailable.

Just saying, boosts were already in the game, and boosts will be in the game regardless of whether Blizzard offers one. Considering TBC content begins at Level 58, I don’t have a problem with it being provided. Classic Vanilla is about 1-60. TBC is about 58-70. Considering Classic Vanilla is still around for people who want to level in that content, I don’t have a problem with Blizzard offering a limited boost opportunity.


Boosts aren’t “in the game” in that fashion.

Power leveling exists, and people call it boosting. The methods being used for this should have been fixed 17 months ago, but Blizzard is too busy counting their money to set a quick 10 line of code fix.

People getting power leveled by those who are in the game, playing the game, with others in the game, playing the game, is not nearly as big of a deal as Blizzard selling an out of game transaction for directly being level 58. They are so far from similar that it’s not even comparable by any sensible means.

“TBC Content” doesn’t start at level 58, it starts at level 1.
It’s World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and the entire game is changed.

It’s not “World of Outlands 58+”

TBC is about World of Warcraft. Not Outlands.


where does it say TBC will have no boost? I guess if you don’t like the boost just stay in classic and clear naxx no boost in classic so you can’t cry like a baby cause something that you would use anyways is used by other people

I want to play BC but am looking forward to bypassing classic leveling. I couldn’t get past 37.

You won’t make it to 70.


I love BC it was the best time I had in wow. I’m quite positive I will.:grinning:

Somehow I managed to get a 2nd toon to 60, but otherwise, 3 others I tried to level are all stuck between 25 and 35. Looking forward to TBC leveling being a little less grueling.

This is full of people twisting things every which way so that they’re own personal needs are met.

I have no horse in this race. But outside of self interest, how is boosts a detriment to the game itself?

The trend that I am seeing is 90% of the people in favor of boosts, have a Retail avatar and appear not to enjoy the “Classic” experience. The other 10% that are in favor of Boosts are Classic Players who are looking for a free boosted Profession Gatherer. Hmmmm

Retail, Classic, TBC … all the same crowd. Same mentality at any rate.

Weird how all of the people advocating for boosts play a microtransaction-ridden P2W dead MMO where you can literally pay for in-game currency. You might as well be playing Raid: Shadow Legends you pathetic whales.

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Fully support a) WoW Classic Era having no boosts, and b) TBC having boosts.

I recall Alliance-Shaman and Horde-Paladins taking weeks to reach 70 back in the day. Having to get geared up to try and catch up with their guild right after grinding was brutal. The ones in our guild felt exhausted and burned out by the time they were ready to raid and even took a break despite reaching that pinnacle and goal.

A limited TBC boost, per account, to 58 is beautifully targeted to help people join TBC without having to go through the grind of WoW-Classic.

I am personally free to “switch classes” when TBC comes out, and say play a Druid at 58 through TBC and raid. I won’t have to put in the brutal 230-250 hours of play time I spent levelling as a healer in WoW-Classic to level 58-60. I can enjoy the TBC experience, and reach 70 then immediately raid because I am not burned out.

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Yea just have to decide between a mage, which I played mostly through BC or. Boomkin which I play now.

I’m trying to recall what boomkin was like, it’s just not fresh in my head.