Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

I am so glad I read this again. I thought subscriptions were changing and was sad, but it’s just digital game time / retail cards.

Laughs in subscription.


Except there is a workable solution, but people do not like solutions, they like to be angry

Buy a 30/90/180 sub still freely as you wish
Buy a 60 day game time with Bnet balance
Buy a wow 30 day game time with wow gold
There is options for all the ways you have now.

Are you serious.

What a complete joke Blizzard.


Key wording here is ‘currently’ this is a precursor to raise the sub rate for usd.


I’d feel bad for anyone who wants to play wow only to see the sub price is 29.99 for 60 days. Good job blizzard you just had to do that to new players and new subs.

It really is both; the point of forcing a subscription is to rake in the percentage of people that will forget to cancel it. It’s really the same scummy tactic that countless trash apps use.


I assume one could buy 30 day sub and then cancel in the middle of it? They would still get their full 30 days? Or no?

This is a bad move Blizzard.

Reverse and change it back.

I wont pay that much at one time for two accounts.

And until you do something worth guaranteeing you money per month I cannot justify subbing.

This is a bad move. This is a stupid move.

You had the same options two different ways giving people the ability and flexibility to pay how they needed to. For many players this move will make it impossible for them to pay. Thus they will not be able to continue to play.

Change course.


You can still subscribe for 30 days at a time. This really isn’t a change. If you’re an adult and upset that a subscription requires a credit card, I would kindly suggest that you GET A JOB!

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you can still buy a month for 15$

It’s also a precursor to the bad reaction they are expecting from 9.1. They are so desperate at this point they are willing to squeeze your udder for that extra month.


I just canceled my subscription. I fit this into the 500 character limit:

The overall direction the game and the company are going do not align with how I’ve previously enjoyed World of Warcraft. The excessive systems and repeated content are not substitutes for quality but it appears this will continue to be the direction. The banning of key cloning software, the game time purchase change, the flight whistle, the loot-a-rang, the portals, the water strider, the level squish, the quality of life removals that impact players, and more. All bad decisions.


yes you can.
hell you can buy a 30 day sub, then cancel instantly.

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But it is, my dude:
Game Time… Look at that, no tax!

And just to be thorough, I’ll post the subscription bill too.
Subscription… Look at that tax bill!

“We’re in a global pandemic, what can we do to help the players?”
“I know, take away the ability to play for $15 and make it a minimum of $30!”

No offense, but are you guys just plain dumb? There’s no other way to ask that. You’re literally BEGGING at this point for people to unsubscribe en masse.


Read the 2nd paragraph of the blue post. Clearly states Subs and tokens not affected.


Your World of Warcraft® account and characters have not been deleted. In the event that you return to the game, you can resume playing right where you left off.

Your subscription will remain valid until Apr 15, 2021 11:07 AM. If you want to return to the game, you can begin a new subscription, add game time to your account, or purchase a WoW Token using in-game currency.


The real issue here is that you guys are still charging the players $15 a month to play a game that’s 17 years old. The monthly sub should be no more than $5 at this point. I mean we still have to buy the damn expansion, plus $15 a month…
Do you not realize that is way too expensive? For $15 a month you can buy xbox gamepass ultimate that include EA Play on console and PC. You get over 300 games to play at any time. Or you can pay $15 just for wow…

Lower the price to $5 a month and you will have 12 million subs again.


Thats cause taxes are already counted when you add the bnet balance.
Adding money to your bnet is taxed, so the tax is not done after

here is what you are doing

Movie theatre 1= entry fee is 10$, movie is free
Movie theatre 2= entry fee is 5$, movie is 5$

You are saying movie theatre 1 is better cause the movie is free, while movie theatre 2 is 5$!!!

No, they are both the same, just you are paying the taxes upfront on the bnet.

When you add 50$ to your bnet balance, you pay taxes there and then.