Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

it is not gone, you can still buy 1 month with wow token, or 2 months with bnet balance, or 1/3/6 months with sub.

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This is a really bad change.


I specifically buy bnet cards to then buy game time at a monthly rate. I have no desire to save a credit card to my account nor sub, cancel, delete card just to repeat that the next month.

Similarly, I gift my kids 30 days of time because this way I can monitor their play better. I’m not subbing a child’s account nor saving a card to it, THAT is how parents goof with fortnite. :stuck_out_tongue:


i dont think game time was tax free my dude…

Wow you really are stepping it up. Explain:

Are you dodging because your argument is just yesterday’s burnt toast?


Blatantly anti-consumer tactics to increase player retention, just like a regular app cash grab offering a “free trial” subscription model, counting that people will forget to cancel the sub.

Just as scummy as countless worthless apps using basically the same model.

How long until the pachinko machines at this level of self respect?

Also this is the sort of cash grab you implement when you have good faith to spare, not when people are already antsy for what it’s bound to be a long time with no content.


why dont you buy pre-paid credit cards then instead?

It’s the precursor to raising the regular sub amount like they have in other countries. Except there they actually offered a half-asked reason, currency exchange rates, even though that really had nothing to do with it.

This one’s not getting reverted, sorry to pop your balloon.


Those are taxed. bnet cards aren’t. :wink:

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lol i already told you.

yes, yes they are.

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If I were guessing, I would bet that the processing fees when you consider people largely subscribing with gold had something to do with it.

You can always sub with a prepaid credit card and do it one month at a time if you like.

You told nothing. You just dodged game time and are repeating “sub time” like a broken PC or something


Bilzzard, guys you better pull this off rn and go back rn. I’m sorry but this will hurt you more then help you guys in anyway shape or form


Now you’re just going toddler on me. Bnet cards aren’t taxed. Go over to right now and try it. I’ll wait.

Meanwhile, the hassle of a prepaid credit card = extra fees. I don’t understand why you’re shilling for Blizz so hard. If you like the change, cool, I don’t, and trying to poke holes in the facts of why I don’t like it doesn’t change the fact that this change, without more explaining, is a consumer unfriendly practice.


This is very, very, very not smart on any front whatsoever and I hope the sheer amount of backlash you guys are getting for this asinine decision forces you (and by “you” I mean those higher-ups at Activision Blizzard) to reconsider this very quickly.


Your reaction to several people coming in and saying, “This is inconvenient for me personally, and here’s why,” to dig your heels in and adamantly demand that it’s fine, and that the people who are inconvenienced by this change are obviously wrong and should “just use the recurring subscription option” when multiple people have stated that that’s not a satisfactory or possible answer to a problem that didn’t exist for the last fifteen years.

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that most people you’re replying to are aware that you can, in fact, get one month at a time with recurring subscription. You’ve probably said it a good thirty times.

That’s not a workable solution for many people on this thread, which is why they’re here, expressing that.


Is it to increase retention or just make it appear like people are subbing to investors and the industry? Or all of the above?


Great. There’s also people like me who lost work during this pandemic. I’ve been using Gold to pay for my wow subscription. The WoW token is meant to offer 1 Month of WoW. In a sense, it still does but I like to play a month on and month off. Now I’m being told that I need to commit to playing for 2 months straight with no options. So what happens if the game grows stale for me? I buy the 2 months and the game time is just wasted? Jesus Christ, please stop white knighting Blizzard.


Friend sent me this and i thought it was a meme. Stuff’s effing hilarious

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