Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

There’s enough false assumptions here that clearly this poster is not an adult.

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Oh! You know what else? I know it’s minuscule but this is also a price hike on the 60 day game time purchase, isn’t it?


you can still buy 1 month subs, just not in game time, in subscription.

Except I exclusively add money to my balance through tokens bought with in-game gold.
Somehow I don’t think the US government is taxing WoW’s gold.


This…this is a bad change. Removing options seems so pointless? What was the reason for this and who does this even benefit, Blizzard? I recognize it doesn’t affect those with an active subscription, but if anything I would expect you to leave the 30 days option and remove the other two. This isn’t a good change and one you should really reconsider.


You know SOMEONE buys those tokens with real money right?
Or do you think that they just appear out of thin air?

Not an issue with simplifying the purchasing options

but removing the lowest tier purchasing option with only a higher cost one is definitely a consumer hostile move

for those who just like subbing one month at a time via prepaid time. this is hostile into forcing them to pay for 2 months at a time, or put in an actual subscription that they have to remember cancelling.

removing the 60, 90 day time itself isn’t harmful. but the 30 day option should Not have been removed in this.

sounds ilke Blizz is desperate to lock in people for comittments, but unwilling to offer the same sort of mount /pet rewards that they did on the 6 months subs.

not a good look given the last week of other bad looks from Acti-Blizzard. laying people off while giving 200m to a signle person, than immediately changing payment options to push revenue looks like doodie.


Garbage level change. Don’t post often but wow. Greed before player base. Wonder if Ashes of Creation will pull trash like this.


You can still buy 30 day subs though, and 90, and 180, all through sub.

Also just wanna point out he didnt get 200 million dollars, he got 200 million dollars worth of shares in the company.

So buy the 60 day game time option 3 times?

Quick maffs:
60 x 3 = 180.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Not everyone has the option to get subs. You can’t purchase subs with Blizzard Balance either.


Dear Blizzard, making this change will only hinder and hurt your already subscriber losses. You have a lot of people who play by monthly subs as well as do not want to farm gold for their current game time to afford your new ways to beef up your quarterly earnings numbers. At the way you just sprung this upon people and are trying to force it you just pushed people to go pay that 15 bucks towards another game if they have to or just drop wow altogether.

You will still have some dedicated fan base but you guys have lost your touch with the fans and even some of your internal developers since you made money your number 1 priority over content, development, and the player base. I truly hope you see how badly you just errored by trying to subjugate your current players into buying more game time and bring back the options we have ALWAYS known and used based our OUR ( The Players) Ability to afford, enjoy, and be able to play the game. You guys claim you are for the people so therefore you should LISTEN to who you publicly and ironically say you do this for.


Where are you getting this bnet balance?

You know Blizzard has other games than WoW that use Blizzard Balance, correct?

Awful change. I was buying game time month to month in case my financial situation changes. I do not have the time to farm gold. I do not have a card to add to your system. WoW was not supposed to go on my “time to stress about this” list, and you just made it go there. Why?


Then I pay the $15 a month price rather than the $12.99 a month price I used to get.

I want the 180-day option back. (the 30-day option too, so I can buy game time for my friends)


A fine refutation. :clap:

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you can still use tokens for time just as you could before, you can still buy 1 token and convert it into 1 month, you dont HAVE to buy TWO tokens to convert into time.

if you play the game by each month buyying a wow token, and converting it into game time

if you play with a re-accuring sub of 1 month 3 months, or 6 months, NOTHING HAS CHANGED for you.

Fair point.