Cataclysm Classic surverys are a go

…3rd worst expansion of all? add that to the list

This feels like they’ve given up on retail and are pushing a soft restart with the progression servers.

No i shouldnt have. The systems of that were included in the final patch were added at launch of classic. Rdf was left out. This ismt rocket science. Not only that, but blizz, knowing that it was part of the final patch and therefore would be expected to be in at launch, decided that they would announce that it WOULD NOT BE ADDED AT ALL. Again, showing that the intent, if it was to be added, would have been to add it at launch. If you are not bright enough to understand this stuff then stay out of the conversation.

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The sun count is a dumb thing to bring up tbh. Most people who played back then know it was a massive shift in design. For all the people who joined because of marketing and commercials the same about of people left. WOTLK was when growth of the playerbase ended.

Lmao it takes like 20 hours to max level in cata and 5 of them will be in new zones.

Since they never mentioned (I don’t think) rdf in the survey they must intend to add it in icc, that’s my thinking. I mean they must recognize that we need it right? But who knows?

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Rdf isn’t just for levelling, don’t you realize this? Some of us like running dungeons at max level as well, for gold, etc.


I enjoy spamming dungeons, doing big pulls and topping meters.

There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be allowed to do that.


I’m just saying it’s a dumb stance for it to be a dealbreaker just come play DF with the bois if RDF is that big of a deal to you. (I’m not against RDF it’s just the same people begging for it for over a year now haven’t quit the game so why add it?)

Rdf doesn’t stop you from doing this

You serious?

I want to play wrath/cata with RDF.

If I wanted to play retail, I’d be playing it instead of posting about RDF…

It absolutely does slow it down SIGNIFICANTLY.

Instead of doing 2-3 dungeons an afternoon, I could be doing 10+.


Them and Feral Druids lol. Absolute nightmare.

I once again want to Thank Blizzard for their crappy approach to conducting a survey of the Wrath player community. This multiple choice survey, that easily could of been sent to all Wrath players was once again sent to a very small select group. And once again we are finding out about possible changes from Youtube content creators instead of some actual Blizzard customer service represenitives. Thumbs up Blizzard, way to continue to half-a$$ everything.


You already are!

Retail problems require retail solutions. DF is easily a top 3 expac why play a bottom 3 expac like cata when DF has what you want?

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Why does it matter? People like what they like…

I don’t need a reason to like cata. Nostalgia if I had to pick something I guess.

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Except cata was designed for flight. Have fun trying to get to certain places when you need to fly to get there.

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Some people enjoy wall jumping.

Wait what’s wrong with that :joy: isn’t that a good thing if it gets more people playing and not have dead server?

Good case of correlation does not imply causation. Cata had RDF, and any other expansion after that too, yet the numbers dropped.
The main reason was that people wanted to kill the Lich King. Besides, Wrath babies haven’t cleared any content at that point so they never reached the content draught. The person before even confirmed that before because he thinks Wrath had major content after ICC which it didn’t.
Besides, sub numbers is a troll metric because most people don’t now how to use that data.

No? Retail has nothing to do with that. Retail is doing fine.

If you take normal levelling speed and no heirloom, nope. It takes much longer, around half of Wrath (even said it in a dev blog back then) , which is about 50 hours.
With heirlooms, and just spamming dungeons you might reach 30 hours (or less), but at that point I’m happy for you because you deserve to level that fast when you had spend enough time to buy all heirlooms at max level.

Me too, however, I accept that no-RDF is part of Wrath. The RDF time is coming.

Every expansion is different. Every expansion has different pros and cons. Everyone experiences expansions differently. That statement is just rude and arrogant