Cataclysm Classic surverys are a go

Not entirely accurate. It was when growth stagnated. It did have growth going into Cataclysm due to the hype of cataclysm and facing Deathwing, but that growth was only around 500kish players. Which was the point that growth ended.

How is this relevant?

WotLK stayed super active, in fact the most active WoW has EVER BEEN during a 1 year content draught.

And to this you respond with some stupid feelscraft about how “rdf is the downfall of wow” despite WotLK being followed by Cataclysm.

Go away, your points are dumb.

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Yeah, no kidding.

Cause RDF simply doesn’t have the power you ascribe to it.

Cataclysm was a whole ruin of it’s very own with the talent changes, the revamped old world, the stupid decision to suddenly make heroics “hard” (and I use the phrase very lightly, cause putting a hard cc requirement into every single trash pack isn’t what I’d consider hard, it’s just tedium), making raids drop the same gear and then making 10 man much MUCH harder etc.

Cataclysm was simply a bad expansion.


Wouldn’t say bad, just different. Too different for its time and people quit for that reason and went back to what they were used to. But that’s just an opinion.

Fine, lets change it to “completely and utterly out of touch with their actual playerbase”.



I think that is a fair statement.

I’m pro RDF? What are you talking about.

Tbh the heroics difference between TBC and WOTLK is bad and feels bad. After going through the heroic grind in TBC and then realizing there is no heroic content in Wrath as a modern gamer feels bad. I’m pretty sure that’s why H+ exists because the devs knew the heroics in Wrath were a joke.

They were in TBC as well.

They will be in Cata as well due to last patch balancing, of course that could change but all we have is the winding road of weird consistency/inconsistency that blizzard has shown in this classic experiment.

Now what I am kind of interested in is H+ in Cataclysm seeing as those weren’t a joke back then, and the difficulty spike was a slap in the face to most.

An interesting point really, altho for lower gear levels they’ll still have that utterly obnoxious “you must cc this 1 target” for every single trash pull.


Some of the heroics I would still want some CC just to be safe even at a higher gear level than as a fresh 85 nerf or unnerfed.

I hate some of the dungeons a large amount so anything to make them smoother is nice.

True enough, I have really terrible memories of Grim Batol. That place can bite me.

Personally, I don’t think Cata heroics will be that big a deal on a second go around. They were never difficult, they just required a degree of effort that players weren’t used to having to give from Wrath heroics

A combination of H++ familiarity, expectation of it going in, and the general community being way more min/max-focused than it was back then will all probably lead to Cata heroics being a bit disappointing most likely

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Highly likely.

Naw TBC P1 heroics we’re actually content. P1 heroics in Wrath we’re already weak in dungeon blues

Yeah you went raiding to get geared for heroics lol

You forgot about something else, a couple of trinkets and some DS weapons with certain procs.

Even the H+2 wrath heroics are easier than doing Ramps on normal in quest blues / greens @ Level 60 in TBC.

YET, they whine about it being hard… I wonder what the forum blood bath will look like in early cata before they outgear the content?

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