Cataclysm Classic surverys are a go

Nope, and nope. I enjoy doing the one dungeon each day and not be a complete faceroll

Not me.

I don’t have the time nor desire to go back into every single last old raid for some dude’s bis.

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Then you are in a very small minority, most people running the daily are skipping as much as possible cause they just want it done.


Because it would take more dev time and money.

Can confirm… really hard to get people to do full clears.

Never said I do full clears

You take the crap matches since option B is eternal waits of LFG pickups. After about a month into season…pvp lfg ads always are 1500+ lol.

Its not perfect for sure. But retail solo qeueu rated was an improvement in some way.

Inb4 make your own group from someone. Tried that. Often times people were not rushing to join low/no rate players either. Its not always the group maker who is “gate keeping”. Other potential members of the team like that gate too lol.

But that’s the point you’re just doing it for the daily, which most people(and I’m betting you) would do regardless of H+.

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I’m doing it because friends ask me to not because of the daily. I cant care less for those 5 emblems

And your friends are asking you to do it because it’s the daily.

How many H+ dungeons runs do you do that aren’t the daily?

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Did like 5-6 all because of friends/guildmates. About the same amount of dailies

This seems like more of a wish-list than anything else. This is not official and there is no credibility, alongside reliability, that this “survey” holds.

Well… this is Blizzard’s wishlist that they are asking people about. So yeah kind of officially what they are considering.

They said for H+ and stuff.

Which wasn’t going to be in RDF.

Considering the pisswater quality of blizzard; talking actually about the garbage quality of the actual product release (not the changes themselves) I am kinda hard passing on CATA for the fact that there are so many unacceptable bugs in Wrath that it makes it very un-fun to play.

Couple that with the exploiters, botters, hackers, cheaters, stripters, piloting, and people paying for various RMT…

Kinda over anything not “ERA”

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Removing talent tree restrictions would almost certainly be a disaster. Contrary to the streamer’s remark of “so many options,” a few classes/specs would find incredible power synergy, dominate the rest that couldn’t, and the Classic’s team’s limited resources wouldn’t be able to keep up.

A lot of this would mean to pour a lot of ressources in Cata and I doubt they’ll go that far.

I mean, a team of volunteers managed to make a classless system just fine. Surely a multi-dollar company could do better. :upside_down_face:

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Its not like Blizzard has many options. If they rerelease Wrath for a season, many people will leave because barely anyone wants to playing something until they are dying. Classic is dead except hardcore, and hardcore isn’t really something for the masses.

I know I will get a lot of opposition for this opinion, but I think this is a great thing, especially if leveling is reworked to have 1-80 all take place in Cata zones throughout the old world, instead of 1-60 Cata, then 60-70 TBC, then 70-80 WotLK, then 80-85 Cata content again. Way easier to follow the story, and it will certainly feel as if your efforts from the old world zones pay off as you venture further into areas such as Uldum and the Twilight Highlands

Flying while leveling say from 20-60, if at 150% speed, would be nice to have, and upscaling raids to 85 is an absolute must for Cata, considering the notorious lack of content available.

This is such a stupid thing to bring up considering how the sub count didn’t even go down during this massive content draught, in part due to RDF.