Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - October 3

Immortal is also missing

Any chance we can fix the issue with certain archeology rares/commons not appearing for some races. Tired of getting a bunch of fossil sites because the pterodax hatching is not in the game. Also wouldn’t hurt to slightly increase the rares that are 1%, sucks to see people getting zin’rohk/staff at 5-50 discovers when im at 230 troll 190 dwarf.


Might change with restart tomorrow, but the off-set pvp gear is still over priced. The belt is more expensive than the chest. Belt, Ring, Bracer, Boot, Cloak needs to have their prices adjusted still.

Is this in addition to the reduction on Friday? Or rolling that change into this hotfix list?

its not broken its just set at 85

for the love of god fix the professions

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Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Game is unplayable for me.

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Please fix Archaeology sites and add bad luck protection before launch.

Still no fix for blood queens bite??? People still trying to finish shadowmourne before it becomes impossible to get a group for it…

May 7, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Legendary appearances may now be added to your Transmogrification collection. In anticipation of community response to this change, we have also added a pitchfork.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Monstrous Clams in the quest “Clammy Hands” to be non-interactive.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Naralex and his discipline from correctly spawning in the Southern Barrens.
  • Druid Thrash now benefits from and consumes the Clearcasting effect from Omen of Clarity.
  • Fixed an issue where Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild were incorrectly stacking their stat increases.
  • Fixed an issue where level 80 boosted characters were not properly learning their class and spec’s Mastery abilities.
  • Prayer of Mending now scales by the intended amount from spell power.
  • Conflagrate will no longer consume lower-rank Immolates belonging to other Warlocks.
  • Player versus Player
    • Fixed a bug causing Resilience to do much less mitigation than intended.
    • Fixed an issue where crowd control effects were breaking at a lower damage threshold than intended.

#SomeChanges they said. But still no changes to the horrible RNG on top of RNG (Digsites and the actual artifacts) for Archaeology, some ppl getting epics in 50 solves, some in over 500, absolutely absurd


Thank you, love


Some changes take time.

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can’t transmog warglaives :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:


Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Game is unplayable for me.

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fix archaeology please


Still cant transmog Warglaives. Makes no sense. We don’t even have Demon Hunters in game yet!


Wish yall would allow us to hide shoulders >_>


Guess we gotta wait for Legion Classic to transmog glaives

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But what about blood queen still not biting :thinking: is there any eta or even a chance it gets fixed this week so i can finish my infusions…

just remove or change the requirements for blood infusion FFS!!