Still no Warglaive hotfix

Yeah if they intersect, but I do think they will end the project after Pandaria.

Not if its still making money, and an accelerated wid would be fun honestly. And we know people will be playing legion

I do think I would play Legion and BFA if they modified and capped the Artifact power mechanic so that the grind isn’t endless. Also the legendaries having bad luck protection from the start.

Honestly just give the vendor from the start

There is nothing to hit fix, it isn’t a bug.

if its not buged we got lied to

Demon hunters don’t exist in classic.

Out of curiosity, are you trying to transmog other glaives to warglaives or another weapon type? Do other legendaries support this? e.g. can you transmog say the Hand of Rag (2h mace) onto a 2H axe or sword?


Do you realize Warglaives are One-handed swords in TBC, Wrath and also Cata classic. if not then your whole comment is invalid. You are think as if this is retail… its not

No I don’t.

I asked a question.

Was this intended as a reply to me?


If you actually didn’t know then I get it. Just a lot of trolls in here so hard to tell if people are being serious or not.

i have a fist weapon on my Axe atm so it prob does

Yeah, I didn’t know. It makes more sense that nobody else has asked that if they are 1h swords, and not a different weapon type.

Sure. It’s always hard to tell if it’s just a difference of opinion, a difference of perspective or what.

Really? I wasn’t able to tmog a 1h axe to a dagger. I wonder if that has changed, or if there are some specific rules.


Well that is also another problem that sucks is that Daggers can only be transmog with other daggers. They should allow for at least one-handed swords as well

yep i have a havoc/s call transmoged to a calamity’s grasp

Would just like to see them add war glaives and increase what daggers can be transmog to. At least having one-handed swords would make sense

Oh! Hahah, so like literally the one thing I tried doesn’t work, but other things do. That’s kind of funny.

Anyway, I’m surprised we didn’t get the Retail version of Transmog anyway. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I was under the impression that there were going to be a bunch of differences with Cata Classic from original Cata, including all sorts of things like a modern AH, M+ type dungeons… I wondered if there would be solo queue arenas and/or cross-faction queuing also, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the direction they are taking things.

I can understand frustration but you cant consider this a priority over the other things they still need to fix, right? This is kinda whiner behavior.

Nah they added something to the game. And a blue past was made I would hop things in a post would be true.

#somechanges give us war glaives

what other things? people not getting there prebis archology weapons?