Cata Already Dead

Good for you buddy.

Replay value is the most important factor in this game.

and it looks like you agree with me. Phhht.

Replay value of the WHOLE GAME is important. The replay value of 1 tiny slice is not. You obviously have a hard time understanding that. But that’s ok “buddy”. We can’t all have a grasp on the fact that not everyone thinks like we do and that there is nuance in almost everything that is said.
GO ahead back to your corner where the echo chamber can comfort you.

Being a hypocrite must be so exhausting.

I liked cata to. But they took alot of stuff away. Stuff that quite frankly wrath did the best at emulating. Better than bc and vanilla did in my opinion.

And all I want is one freakin permanent wrath classic realm to play forever.
I am one of those folks who misses ammo and stuff like that. Still have ammo and my quiver on my retail hunter. And I would love a permanent wrath classic era server that preserves all the stuff we lost when the cata hit. That is all I am sayin.

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It’s not like adding an extra month or two will make everyone be able to suddenly complete the content, it’s already gated by being difficult. As you said.

But by adding an extra month or so, it will allow semi-hc guilds a chance to meaningfully progress on the content.

The current cadence only rewards speedrun/hc guilds that beat the content in the first week. Everyone else will barley have enough time to prog/get loot when it’s the current raid.

As everyone should (outside of the raids)



Took you a whole week to wipe away the tears and to come up with that.

There is a whole post there that you just didn’t respond to, but you want to say that I “panic”?

You gotta stop broadcasting your mental breakdown in real time.

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Your just mad at how much of an absolute failure you are at the game and in real life. Like honestly… Took you the entire expac to get past 213 item level. There are brand new players who have never played before who boosted a random toon to level 80 and went in with a full set of greens and ended up doing better than you have for this Wrath. And you have sat at barely above 5k achieves for the entirety of the expac.

Thats why you do what you do. You only ever troll and talk rude to low level players as you have yet to meet a single player who is your level that is not above you in almost ever way. You are upset at how much you are failing at the game and so have to take it out on me and other players. You are far below the average here in WoW. I know it, most others here do… but most importantly, you know it and that is why you are so desperate to put so much effort into proving yourself to some random 12 poster.

And just to prove how infatuated with me you truly are, you actually get mad when i take too long to reply. You reply within seconds to every post I make to you ever. And that would only be possible if you were literally sitting at your computer screen spam click refreshing the forums just to find any replied that I make to you.

You actually got visibly upset about how long it took me to reply to you. I am very clearly your top priority. You’re not mine.

I saw you typing your reply to me almost immediately after I made my post to you here.

Oh yea and another thing. You are only capable of going after and trolling me… a guidless level 12. I have yet to see you go up and try to troll a level 80 and actually not get put into your place immediately. So you stick with me… some random level 12 which was obviously ONLY made to be a forum posting toon. Everyone you encounter who is level 80 is above your level. So, you gotta stick to fights you know you can win. Level 12 forum posting alt. Hope you feel validated now. Oh btw, you get easily confused. So me saying those other level 80s are above your level…you have trouble thinking outside of the box. Don’t be so literal when you read that. And as always, you wont be able to begin to comprehend this, so you will panic and come at me with anther insult.


When I’m reading the news in the morning I have a tab open to this forum. And if I watch a movie on netflick in the evening I have the forum tab open. I don’t have to click refresh the forum. It auto refreshes if I get a reply or like and shows it in the tab. I read the news for a couple hours and watch netflick for a couple hours many nights so if some one replies to me during those hours if I want to reply I do it pretty quickly

Na. If you knew who this poster was, this is not the first time they have gotten really bent out of shape when I took too long to reply to them. And then every time I do, they literally start a reply within seconds. I made my reply to them half a month later once and they replied within an instant one thread and on this thread, it took me well over a week to get back to them… they got mad about it and also began typing their reply to me in less than a few seconds after I posted my reply here.

I dont actually rage at other posters because it took them too long to reply to me. This person literally cannot handle being on these forums withing seeing me here. They freak out when I am gone too long and then reply with a rage comment and an insult about how long I was gone. They actually get mad at me when I take too long to reply, then start up with the insults immediately after.

Oh and btw. I’m going to be gone from the forums for another week or so after this post. Maybe even two or three. I got more important things to do than to get mad at some random person halfway across the globe from me who I will never meet in real life, will never meet in game, will never see or talk to outside of this forum.


All I’m saying is you don’t have to click refresh to know when someone has replied or liked you. I’m watching a new series on netflick with a tab to the forums. When you replied there was a 1 before the forum tab name. I won’t read the forum anymore tonight, but if I get a reply I’ll know it and I might reply in minutes.

Doubt it. Netflix. Not a typo btw. Thats just proof that you don’t actually watch it.
Not a single person who actually watches Netflix would ever call it netflick on accident, ever.

And…that is the third time you did that here too…

First time

Second time

Third time

So um no. No you do not watch “Netflick” ever. Otherwise you would actually know what it is called and how to spell it.

Next time you hear a random person talk about something, at least try to find out how it is spelled before saying that you actually do it.

And when you launch it, it has a big red banner across the top middle of your screen with the name in all caps. Sometimes it is to the far left or far right, but there is no way you can miss it. 100% of everyone who watches “Netflick” knows how it is spelled.

I have not watched Netflix in a while. No one who has ever watched Netflix, ever…would call it that and think that is what it is actually called.


You’re a moron. I’m watching a spanish sci fi series called The Barrier. I don’t pay much attention to sht that doesn’t matter.

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Can we please stay on topic.

No one should care what toon you post with, no one cares if someone says Netfick, no one’s refreshing the site to see if someone’s replied. This thread’s about Cata, please keep it about Cataclysm.

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Seems like they like to make the beginning of an expansion way too long. If we only have around a year they should at least make each phase even

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How long did you spend rage typing that schizo novel only to just need to edit it twice?

Aovona is just mad that I challenge them on their bad takes. They default to long posts rambling about nothing based in reality, which I called “schizo posting”, a correct term for what this user was doing.

It struck a nerve and they’ve been mad about it ever since.

The fact that me being on the forums reading a different thread, then being notified of a response due to forum systems is able to trigger such a reaction is just more justification to me using this term.

The best part is this individual thinks I care about any of their insults. This is what, an overweight 50 year old whose best joy in life was vanilla, and second best joy was classic? Opinion rejected lmao

Yeah I mean as people have said now we know the expansions we did see people skip ulda, and to a lesser extent hyjal. I would not be surprised if we see people do a half-skip on wod and cata. Now they know what is generally good. And what the next phase will generally involve.

No just stop. You say schizo rampblins to every person who upsets you ever. And you do it on every alt that you have on these forums too. You always say everyone who says anything that you do not like or don’t understand is “schizo” rambling post. People with your condition and who have the type of schizophrenia disorder that you have which is called…Apathy. Have trouble reading long structured sentences or multiple paragraphs. It causes adynamia if left untreated. You’re the schizo here. I have proven it. I write these big walls of text to you and you on purpose cuz I know for a 100% fact that someone who is a schizo would have a next to 0% chance of being able to read and component this…too much info to take in, your IQ is too low and also you have apathy which as lead to your adynamie which is why you are incapable of being able to read anything that I post ever… you have never once said anything to one of my long posts apart from it being a schizo ramblings… which you have done to many others on these forums across several of your posting alts. And yea…this is another wall of text to once again see if the schizo part of you that has progressed fully into apathy which is what you have named your wow toon…prevents you from being able to read this post.

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No, I say “schizo ramblings.”

Which this is.

This is a prime example. I posted on Empathy before I made Apathy, if that’s what you’re talking about. I think I made one or two posts on Empathy during my time using Apathy. I think I posted on my dk Reppz one time as well.

Other than that, no, this is a prime example of schizo ramblings.

No, I have plenty of posts defending my stance or just discussing whatever.

When people make up head canon about me, like you are, I call it schizo ramblings, not because I’m mad, but because these are schizo ramblings based on headcanon alone.

Again, this is just a name I found cool. I thought it’d be funny to be killed in pvp by a rogue named Empathy, and I needed a counter toon for pve and what better name for an Empathy clone other than Apathy?

Again, more schizo ramblings from you.

No, I generally gloss over your schizo ramblings to save my brain cells.


I legit can not, absolutely refuse to, continue reading on.

Line after line is baseless claims all thrown into one giant schizo post.

I’m sorry I live this rent free in your head, but, sounds like a skill issue for yourself.

Can you, at any point, not post a novel of schizo ramblings? Just once?