Cata Already Dead

the block strat on anub’arak was very stressful to execute due to low hp and spiky damage. also at the time you had to do 10 and 25 each on normal and on heroic each week. Back-to-back in the same raidnights, most often. it was horribly repetitive.

BoT was bad. Having a gate keeper within one to two bosses of a raid is horrible design.

The first couple of raids were not liked when the xpac went live. Noone really liked them till after the firelands update. When most were over geared for them.

Wrath servers started dieing during ulduar lol

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There is no agreement nor consensus as you say about the ‘quality’ of cata raids. It isn’t like bt or naxx which are impressive. As for the game well, when taking classic into account, a classic version of the game needs to focus on how the game plays on the final patch.

Cata will in time make way for mop which might lead to legion. Between mop, and sod the short time will be really good for ticket carry sellers.

Really wrote all that just for 2 weeks difference? Lol.

Okay 3.5 months for Naxx then. Either way Firelands still way too short compared to an easy raid like Naxx. Especially when you need many weeks to get a legendary.

It’ll be changed just like WoTLK legendaries.

this guy is spot on

this is a stupid wow ego touch grass people play other stuff including other wow maybe wrath wasnt their jam

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you dont need legos to kill the content and play the game people stop acting so entitled

If the tier is sped up the acquisition of the legendary will be sped up.

99% of playerbase never had the chance to see Rag with feet in OG Cata cuz it was too rushed considering ppl were underskilled/ had weaker addons/content was hard in 2011 era…

So yea if they release pre-nerf version of FL with only 3 months without buffing players in any way, then still majority will not get to clear the heroic mode Rag. But why should everyone clear it anyway?


What progression? People are going to walk in and steam roll it within the first 8 hours it’s out.

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I like how you just skipped WoD.:rofl:


Back when Cataclysm was live the first time, we would clear Dragon Soul then go back to Firelands for achievements. Don’t see why that can’t happen again.

This has more to do with replayability and less to do with how good they were. It’s like an epic 3 hour movie you thought was amazing but didn’t feel the need (or couldn’t find the time) to watch again vs. a decent 30 min sitcom that you don’t mind having re-runs on the tele.

It does not make the movie worse than the sitcom. Typically, in this situation, most would affirm that the movie was better than the sitcom. Even though the sitcom is something you may choose see a few times.


Oh yea easily.

Also, burnout is a thing. Doing both 10 and 25 Ulduar/ICC every week for alts is going to burn you out sooner rather than later; by comparison, it’s a simple matter to run those same alts through 10 and 25 TotC.

Path of least resistance.

So what you guys are saying is, ToGC is the better raid. Replay value is the most important factor in this game.

Yeah, because 6 months of ulduar did a real wonder for the player population.

Uh … I don’t need to replay the same content a million times to have fun. There are a million other things to do besides run the same raid over and over.

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