Cata Already Dead

You call anyone who upsets you a schizo here. And oh btw…In my "ramblings… I said how you are a schizo and how schizos have difficulty reading lots of text and are prone to calling others schizos. Most often times for most of my posts or any long post that you encounter, you get mad due to the fact that as a schizo that you yourself have proven yourself to be, it is very difficult for you to read and fully comprehend large posts, you do not understand emotions and assume others are being hostile towards you, you say the same insults repeatedly and will continue to say them until I reply to that insult specifically. Such as the rent free in the head insult… I have yet to reply to that, so in your mental illness that you have, you will keep saying it.

And also are incontinent with your stated goals…Such as saying over and over again how you are so done with me, that this is the last Ill see a response from you, or how you say you refuse to read what I type, yet reply directly to what I typed. You’re the schizo here. You know it, I know it.

I called it that you would be incapable of reading what I typed. I even made that my first post with zero paragraphs. just to get the point across that you are the one who suffers from this illness. That is why you think everyone but you is.

Had to use alt codes to get the name.

I didn’t ask for a made up story about how you got your name…last time you said why you chose that name, it was something completely different.

…not a prime example. Cuz I wasn’t talking about that toon that you just mentioned there. And also…

Wasn’t talking about that one either. You’re aware that people can see who your alts are that post on the forums? Addons and plugins that allow you to do that.

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I think he’s refering to me, he thinks I, a player from Australia with a character that has over 5,000 posts also switches to yours to talk to myself among other things.

At least I think it’s him that says that, all of these people are merging into one for me.

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I just refuse to entertain your dribble.

How can I logic you out of illogical lies?

I can’t. You’re too stupid.

So, calling your posts schizo ramblings is what I’ll do, and I’ll continue to do.

Which again, you just posted a schizo novel. Maybe say anything based in reality and I’ll actually sit down and read it in full again. Until then, no, you’re just as damaging as alcohol but without any of the fun.


I just refuse to read your posts in full word for word. I can start at the beginning which will always be cope based, half way through you’ll talk about this RETIRED toon’s item level as an insult, talk about my character name and use that as the basis for your theory that I have schizophrenia, and half the time delve into a rant about how much you hate cata.

Why should I read your novel when I already have the synopsis of your schizo ramblings?

That’s crazy how you went and talked about the character name again.

You’re a pop up book. I know what you’re going to say before you say it. It’s cope filled lies to make yourself feel good.

Post another schizo rambling please.

I remember that thread.

Still not your alt so I’m still going to call him out for it.

What I said went right over your head…you took it too literally. You’re pretty easy to confuse here. I’m having an easier time with you than you could possibly imagine. You start to so show I am getting under your skin. Then you have to start talking about me to others in order to reach out for help and get more people on your side.

You get more and more flustered the more you post…Apathy…your losing it. And as I said before, you get overwhelmed when you read too much of something that you don’t like so your only response that you are capable of is to call it a schizo rant. You done it to other people on other threads.


I’ve already addressed this in a thread you once again ran away from.

You’re an idiot. I feel sorry for any loved ones around you, I know you’re the one they hate inviting over for the holidays. Youre quite literally the only one I consistently call schizo. It’s just you trogg.


SoD has already proved that the playerbase by and large prefers easier content, that can be cleared quickly without too much difficulty. This is why ToGC was popular, and why SoD was so successful.

Cata with the harder heroic raids and limited time to do them is going to kill the majority of the casual playerbase that still plays PvE on these servers. I see most of the casuals that remain solely participating in PvP (a lot already do on Grobb.) I don’t see anyone wanting to bash their heads on Firelands for 2 months and maybe only kill a couple heroic bosses. Already we are seeing a rather strong division in the playerbase with the more casual raiders and players playing SoD with the more Hardcore playing Wrath into Cata.

There is a division because wrath lasted so long, people killed LK and they are done, nobody wants to raid ICC for 6 months, nobody wants to raid anything for six months, hence the increased Cadance for raids in cata and probly any other classic that drops.

The Hardcore guilds like mine will farm the first tier and Firelands quick for gear on heroic but i can understand anyone else under that having a problem. At the same time i feel they are probably shortening the length of the phases because of the backlash they got for such a long Dragon soul originally, even ICC originally was out for like 10 months before cata originally launched but Dragon soul was 13 months so longer. I honestly think they are going to keep the cadence for a quicker Dragon soul and move to MOP… and hopium here that maybe realize their mistake before Cata launches or during the first raid tier to lengthen each phase by a month or 2, but definitely keep it shorter than what Dragon soul tier was original by a significant amount of time. (roughly 4-5 months per phase for all phases).

Drivel, fwiw.

WotLKs problem is they did the item level bump in ulduar. While fun when it was happening it had bad trinkle down effects. It cheesed most of Ulduar’s harder encounters to the point of just blasting them down. It made ToGC an absolute joke. Not saying these things were hard, but they lost all encounter prowess because the main strategy is just dps zug it down and barely even doing most the mechanics. ICC was fairly challenging on a couple enounters. But the the buff started rolling out and it just became a zug fest again.

I hope they dont find some way to turn Cata into a pure zug fest like they did wotlk. Yeah the best of the best will find a way. But it shouldnt be just a ok… its week one… half the team never played cata before… whats the strategy raid leader? Oh… just do lots of dps so we dont have to do mechanics.

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