Cata Already Dead

Unlike most, Cata is my favorite expansion.

I’ve been hyped for years to play it. Why? The RAIDS. Even the biggest Cata haters agree that Cataclysms first 2 raid tiers were amazing. Most of the complaints about the xpac are about Dragon Soul. So why are we rushing Firelands, one of the best raids ever? 2 Months?! What even is the point in trying to progress heroic if you only have 2 months?

I have no desire to play anymore unless this is fixed.

Blizzard NEEDS to increase the time in Firelands by 2-3 more months. Or the whole raid tier/expansion will be RUINED.


People also claimed Ulduar and ICC were the best raids in WoTLK and ToGC outperformed both of them. I’m hearing a lot of people really disliked ICC beyond a month and still enjoyed farming ToGC on multiple alts after several months.

I also agree with them. ToGC was awesome and Ulduar and ICC sucked beyond the first couple months. Tons of trash, long; more difficult, just less fun.

Fun, imagine that. ToGC had easy, fun bosses with some good chase items. Firelands will suck and people will quit en masse if it’s out longer than 3 months.


I’m quite keen to try Cata as I missed it first time round. However, I think every expansion from this point on will probably be around the 12 month cycle.


not even, most of the complains are about Spine and Madness specifically


It hasn’t even patched yet.

Maybe they will let people do it more frequently since it’s a faster pace.

If they do boss-specific lockouts instead of raidID they could also do something like let you loot the same boss 2-3 times a week instead of once rather than having to do 3 day lockouts or something like they did in SoD.

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Because… Blizzard is increasing the pace of content across the board. Retail, Classic, and Era.

Eh, that is because there was no trash and it was bite-sized. ICC you need to set aside probably 3 hours, and that is if you are one of the last ones in the group. Otherwise, you need to set aside 4-5 hours. If you want to do a majority heroic.

ToGC on the other hand. It is 45 minutes in and out and was like 30-45 minutes to form. This is also for a majority heroic. Of course, if you wanted full clear heroic that took more time, but yeah.

For instance with the OP… I’m not sure where you get 2 months from (I was expecting 3 instead of the average 4 we have now)… but nothing says you can’t keep progressing Firelands. Nothing says you have to move on to Dragon Soul the second it drops.

Hate to bring up SoD here, and while I have a full clear ST I clear 4/8… those first four bosses were fun as hell… and guess what… they was barely any trash… like there was trash before the first boss… then after that, it was like two packs… so it was nearly boss after boss after boss… and that was fun. Some trash is good… immersive even. A ton of trash to waste time after isn’t.

… Sorry for my rant.

God, I hope not… that would be a nightmare to keep up with if you aren’t living the pug life… Can’t exactly divide by a prime number cleanly.

I think the wording of the page was updated to show clearly that the raid lockout system in CataC is going to be the per-boss system retail uses:

  • Boss Based Raid Lock system: Allowing players to do either the 10 or 25-player raid version of each boss in the same week. Lockouts are based on individual boss.

Since they’re using that type of system, they could simply let you get multiple kills per boss per week while still having reset on Tuesday.

Or more likely maybe they’ll just have more loot drop than originally.

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they shown us the roadmap (without dragonsoul) way ahead of time and all of us knew that every tier will be 4months max and the expansion only a year.

Nothing new

October to January is 3 months

I agree, the rushed pace for Cata classic as they announced is very unappealing. I had recently started on a Wrath server to prepare for Cata but will likely just skip instead and let my sub run out.


No. It isn’t.

We’ve seen what happens with long raid tiers, the game goes into a deep lull, sometimes not even recovering if something else from the IP comes out.

If you need 4-5 months to do heroic firelands, then maybe get good at the mechanics instead of taking 3 months to finally learn them.

You’re leveling 5 levels. You should have more than enough time. It’s no one else’s fault that you play like molasses.

because they know there will be a huge decline in numbers if they stall out phases like in wrath. Just look at wrath for example, ulduar was way too long even for being a good raid it got extremely tedious mainly with annoying bosses like general. The fact is shorter phases keeps players playing with a smaller drop off. Be thankful the phases are short when it gets to DS.


This makes no sense. You started on a Wrath server to prepare for cata but now cata is coming you are going to just skip? So you really didn’t plan on playing cata then, so what were you preparing for?

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No, but they announced the path dates. Which is why I am hoping they will change it.

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I wouldn’t even mind Cata being 12 months. But if it is. I’d much prefer Firelands to be 4-5 months and DS to be 2-3 vs. an amazing Raid like Firelands being rushed, to be forced to do a much worse raid for better gear.


A disappointing spread for the phases. I’d rather they drain a month off of the first phase to give to FL, or off of DS.


That’s not what I said. I do want to play Cata but the patch cadence/pace is not appealing. As the OP said, the Firelands raid as announced would run for around 3 months and I would prefer not to rush to the last tier.

As for Deathdye, I am not at all worried about not being able to beat a raid within 3 months. I would like to be able to stay within a tier for a bit more than the 3 months they showed for Firelands as I like being able to complete a BiS set of gear among other goals I like to complete within the time frame of a tier/patch which will be harder to do if Blizz rushes through the second tier. Also, maybe you should take a break from WoW if you’re that bothered by someone having a different opinion of patch cadence than you that you felt like making a reply like that.


If you are going to let a release schedule influence your desire to play the game or not, then you were really not going to play the game anyway.

Is it my desired release schedule? no but I’m still going to play and enjoy myself rather than announcing I’m letting my subscription run out and “show Blizzard”

The majority of phases other than ICC throughout classic have been 3 to 5 months each.

Cata is no different.