My solution for Wrath Era servers

You are a compulsive liar.

No, I deny your claim that I “Do it to everyone when I’m mad”, when I’m not mad, or do it to everyone.

It’s really just you.

I also have never rallied anyone on these forums. Another lie from you. I would ask that you quote me where I have, but you have never once quoted me saying this, and never will quote me saying it.

I will.

There is a whole search feature. I had to use it to find all the times I told you to quote me on your claims. There is a time break between our interactions. It’s really not that hard.

This is what I mean when I say “schizo ramblings”, stuff like this. Baseless claim off of nothing but headcanon and fiction.


If you click the quote it’ll take you to the thread. The post I’m responding to does not exist. I don’t think you want that post to exist. For all those reading, there is a reason why I didn’t continue the word past the letter “r”. Forum rules apply to quotes and I’m not about to say that word, even in a quote.

I don’t know what YOUR point is about this, but, good luck.

Also lie more please.


I’m talking about how it doesn’t matter what I’d say, you’d just lie on my name anyways, but somehow that is transferred to me lying about where you are?

I couldn’t care less where you are. The second I’m done with a post to you, you’re out of my head until my next poop AND I have a notification from you.

Lie more.

Idk, probably called your post “schizo ramblings”.

Stop schizo posting then.

Half the time I’m on the forums when you respond, the other half is literally me replying hours later because I’m not spam refreshing the forums.

Idk how you came to this conclusion, but, lie some more.

Quote me on when I said this.

You can’t quote me.

All you can do is lie on my name.

Who asked?

Retired character. I’ve said this many times before.

Like I don’t get how you’re this dumb.

I’m addressing this all in one.

  1. Retired characters aren’t getting played. Achievements aren’t going up on a retired character. Why? Because it isn’t getting played.

  2. Do you not have two monitors? Do you just raw flight path and just watch the scenery everytime? Making a post is the same essence as a text, you can start, do something else, and come back. I’m sorry you’re so broken that you can only do one thing at a time. Skill issue.

  3. The Orc alt was my hardcore character I was playing. You made a claim that I didn’t play HC. I switched characters for one post to show that I did. I have no reason to post on that character anymore past that one point.

  4. I don’t care what you’re playing. Thanks for reminding me about HC, made me remember that you bragged about having 4 60 Paladins and 2 60 Rogues or whatever, and you refused to even post on a single one. Hence why point 3 happened. I don’t believe you when you say you have those toons, and I doubt you have most of what you described here as well.

By that logic, I’d be grinding the forums though? So I’d still be grinding. :thinking:

Back to the schizo posting.

Quote me.

I didn’t say you were banned. I said the post was removed. I even clarified that I don’t know if it was you or a mod who removed it.


If you notice at the top right of that post, there is no marker indicating an edit. I edited that post seconds after I posted it because I wanted to add that I lacked the information as to why the post was gone, way before you made these claims.

No, that’s just the voices in your head telling you to do that.

Like, I get it, you think I am, but that’s based on a lie you literally just created (That im saying you’re banned), because I stated a post of yours was removed, which, it was. Anyone who tries to find the quoted block of your post in my post will be met with a trashcan symbol. This indicates the post was removed. It’s not that hard.

That said, this is why I say what I say. You go off on tangents based on nothing but your own delusions.

Wish you the best.