Can't see level needed to equip BoE gear

Since the 9.1 patch, on my level 60 main I cannot see the character level required to equip a piece of BoE gear.

A green BoE cape dropped this morning, it’s item level 129 but if I send it to an alt can they equip it at level 50, or have to wait until later? That’s going to affect which alt I send it to, and I can’t see what level is required to equip it until I send it to someone who is too low and then it will show them what level is required.

Is a level 50 likely to be able to equip a green item level 129…? Can anyone actually remember this kind of thing off the top of their head?

The crafter’s marks are a big part of crafting for me now, I use the novice marks with tailoring to create cloth gear that is equippable at level 50 and sell them on the AH. Until the patch it showed me on each piece of gear “requires level 50” or “requires level 54” etc and of course there’s a demand for Shadowlands gear that can be equipped right out the door at level 50 and these command a premium price.

Now if I have a mixture of crafted gear in my bag (for example after emptying my mailbox of expired auctions), I can’t see what level is required to equip them and thus set the price appropriately when I relist them on the AH.

I can’t keep track of the different item levels in my head and remember what character level will be needed to equip it. Required character level is a basic, important piece of information on the gear and I need to be able to see it on every piece of BoE gear, even on my max-level character who can equip gear of every level.


(I am the OP, this is my alt…) I appreciate someone moving this to “Bug Report” although I figure the change was intentional.

If it’s a bug, by all means please fix it.

If it was intentional because someone thought it would be a good idea to have less “clutter” on gear tooltips: it just wasn’t a good idea, please change it back.


Minimum level requirements are messed up in a number of different ways. This morning I noticed the boss loot that dropped for my level 10 in dungeons (ilvl 14 gear) said in red that it had a minimum level of 27 to equip when mousing over the “little ‘you won’ box”.

It doesn’t. I was able to equip the loot. The number should have been 10, since that’s her level and that’s how scaling in dungeons is supposed to work.

Minimum level requirements often do not display if the viewer is over the minimum level. Also, some minimum level requirements show a different minimum on 2 different characters.

I’m not sure what they think they are doing with recent changes. But it’s really annoying.

Edit to add: the minimum level requirement to equip crafted gear has been removed from the profession pattern books. If the crafter is higher level than the minimum, they have no way of telling what that minimum might be.


True also. I hadn’t even noticed yet because I was too preoccupied with my clusterbomb of expired auctions to craft anything new. Please let this be a bug that will be fixed.

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I’m also experiencing this for NEW BOE gear. I looted some in lockboxes on my level 50 rogue and was going to send to alts, but it has no level requirement. Old gear looted prior to 9.1 (or at least some of it, as I haven’t looked at it all) still seems to have the tooltip showing the level, although maybe only gear looted between 9.0.5 and 9.1 and onward is affected. Once the lower level character receives it, they cannot see the level required either. I can’t remember the breakdowns well enough to figure it out on the fly, but I just sent it and compare the item and attempted to equip it if it was an upgrade, which is not a long term solution!

I am also looking at a profession crafted necklace from Shadowlands (which was made BEFORE the patch) and it does not list a level requirement, either.

The tooltips in 9.0.5 were experiencing some major bugs in which they showed the wrong level requirements all over the place (I wrote an extensive bug report on the many different ways this was occurring). I guess removing the level requirement altogether is a solution for that. :stuck_out_tongue: Or happened in error while trying to fix the ones they broke in the last big patch.

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I’m going to speculate that this wasn’t addressed and corrected on the PTR because the phenomenon of having lots of alts and funneling gear to them is something that’s a “thing” on live, but not PTR.

I’ve never been on PTR but when you think about the intensive amount of time it takes to cultivate a stable full of alts, who would have time to do that on PTR? And then all that effort be deleted?

If you just have one character, you get a piece of gear and either you can equip it, or you can’t. The question of “who else might equip this” wouldn’t come into play.

And again, with crafting gear to sell and needing to be aware what level is required to equip it. On PTR it’s going to be a temporary economy that a player is not going to invest the extreme amounts of time and effort as we do on live. Use the AH to make sure there’s not a “bug” i.e. technical difficulty, but not really testing the deep usability that we need on live.

The AH is kind of a big deal for me because I pay for my monthly subscription with gold. I bet no one on PTR treated the AH with that type of intensity to make sure it worked in a functional way.


(I am another one of the OP alts) So, I’ve just noticed that character level required to use has been removed from consumables as well. That is, if your character is above the level required to use it, you can’t see what level is required to use it.

i.e. Flasks, Potions, Elixirs, Scrolls and Glyphs, and even FOOD. Not if the item is in my bag, and not if I’m looking my crafting pane.

Yes, I make potions and flasks and send them to my newbie alts. Sounds quaint, since leveling to max is something you could do in a weekend now. Using potions and flasks (and armor enchantments, leg armor etc.) makes a big difference to the strength and durability of a toon. I like them.

I know, I’m a pathetic casual (obviously, since it took me almost a week to even notice that the level requirement on consumables is gone). But even if my playstyle is outmoded, there’s still a need to see what level is required to use potions etc., even if not for the selfish need of supplying my alts I actually help out a brand new player now and then by giving them some level-appropriate pots, food etc.

To compound the problem, with the level squish now each xpac starts at an oddball number instead of a nice round number.

It used to be you could assess “that’s an Outland item, it’s going to be usable somewhere between level 60 and 70.” “That’s a Draenor item, it’s going to be usable somewhere between 90 and 100.”

Now if I go into my Alchemy pane to craft Northrend potions, instead of just remembering the nice round number that WotLK is level 70 to 80, I cannot even guestimate what character levels that spans now. Can toons use Northrend items starting at level 27? Level 34? I couldn’t tell you to save my life.


I figured out the pattern! I remembered I had a bunch of crafted items in my guild bank to test with various characters. If you meet the level requirements, the required level does NOT show in the tooltip, but if you are below the level required, it does show. This does not take into account armor type, just level. This is why level 60s do not ever see required levels.

Edit: regarding Wyclia’s post above, this seems to be the same for food and potions.


experiencing all of the same as above posters. hard to craft gear for lower level alts when i cant see if they can equip it.


Also getting this issue.

Please fix this issue. It is very frustrating not being able to tell if a piece of gear my crafters can make can be used by one of my alts.

Why is it not possible to fix something like this immediately. Its been weeks and its still unfixed.


I surmise that it was an intentional design change, thus it’s not a “bug.”

So, rather than being fixed quickly, it’s going to require yet another intentional design change to reverse it.

I don’t assume that. Remember how the links to the forum disappeared from the top bar? People were saying that was intentional and yet, here it is back again.

Its probable it was a side effect of changes in crafting during some hotfix that caused a cascade issue and they just haven’t seen it as a priority.

I know im a few weeks late lol, But it sorta should be a priority to fix if it is a bug. Im trying to craft gear for a friend who is level 11 and i cant see what gear i need to craft for him. If its not a bug and it was intentional, then why not have it like ( Item Level 20, Req 16 ) across the top. Why completely take out the required level? Just seems pointless now. I know ilvl has always been a massive part of the game, that if you arent a certain ilvl you never got invited to a dungeon / raid. But when it comes to crafting gear, the required level should still be available to be seen. The ony way i can craft the gear for him is to link it in chat and he can say yes or no if he can use it. Otherwise im taking a guess in making gear and giving it to him to see if its right. Does someone have a list on what ilvl goes with what level a character needs to be? Id appreciate it alot if someone does.


How shameful that this remains uncorrected…


We don’t get to dictate what is a priority or not, and what may be a priority to some? Not for all.

I can’t say why you’re not seeing that information. I’ve never run across that, so I have to wonder if there was some add-on interference or a UI issue.

Have you tried a full and proper UI reset? Not just reloading or removing add-ons, but the full schtick to make sure it’s not a corruption somewhere?

Stop it already. This is a global issue. It affects everybody everywhere: if your character is high enough level to use a BoE or consumable, you cannot see WHAT level is required to use the item. Get on your level 60 and check it out. Or on your level 51, check out some lower level food, unequipped BoE gear, whatever.


The forums are open to anyone with a subscription in good standing. So no, I will not. Being rude serves no purpose when the suggested action is almost always the first suggested fix - from other players who assist on these forums and the staff who handles tickets. I had not seen anyone else bring it up here as yet, so I did.

I did some bouncing around out of spite to prove you wrong, but it seems like it may be more of an intentional design thing where if you meet the level requirements, it doesn’t need to show them – with and without add-ons.

So for that, I will apologize. I automatically funnel everything down to my low-level AH alts, so it’s not been something I’ve noticed on my max-level characters. But every character under the required limitation does show.

If you want to see this changed, you may want to post in GD or submit your suggestion through the in-game suggestion interface. Bug reports are usually one way, and this, in my humble opinion? Reads moreso as a ‘working as intended’ thing. But posting in GD or throuh the in-game interface, they’ll get your plea to the spots where Devs collect such things.

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I apologize for being snippy. The “reset your UI” was already brought up in the other related thread (it’s linked at the top of this OP) and I’ll quote another player who put it more eloquently than I could:

I initially posted this thread elsewhere, and it was moved to Bug Report. I agree with you that it’s probably an intentional design change which is “working as intended.” You made a good suggestion to post about it in General so maybe I’ll do that after I take a breather so I don’t start my thread “Blizz sucks!” because that’s about how I feel about it at the moment.


Sure. It’s not a priority for people who never play low level alts or try to craft gear or buy gear for low levels.

It’s also true that the level requirement may be completely wrong. So if I craft an ilvl 8 ring for a level 10, it will say on that tooltip the level 10 sees that it has a minimum level of 15 to equip, and the item is red to them. The same level 10 will get dungeon gear that is ilvl 14. And yet they actually can equip that ring that used to have a minimum level requirement of 5.

The problem is not the fact that the UI needs to be reset. It is doing this on everyone. A high level crafter can no longer view the minimum level requirement of an item below their level, and even if you link it to the lower level, that number may be wrong.