Can't see level needed to equip BoE gear

Thanks for pointing that out, that this issue may be related to item levels being wonky since the squish.

Edit: At level 60, "Requires Level X" doesn't display since 9.1. Working as intended... (?) thread in General Discussion, I wish it would get some more visibility so if you are a player who has been affected by this issue please add to that thread.

Recent changes have made this issue worse though. A level 10 in Legion dungeons can view the gear they will get in the dungeon journal as ilvl 14 minimum level requirement 40. BC ilvl 14 dungeon gear displays in the dungeon journals as minimum level 27 to equip. This is very recent.

Yeah that is a significant issue that needs to be fixed.

I’ve noticed this issue as well.
Got a BoE drop on my level 60 character, it was a Glaive that my Demon Hunter alt could use.
Did not show a required level. Sent it to the DH and suddenly it showed a level requirement of 60 despite both characters having all the same addons loaded and same UI settings.

This is not an addon issue.
It is either a bug or an intentional change to the game. Either way it’s a pain and honestly doesn’t make any sense. Unless it is soulbound you need to know the minimum level to equip for selling and/or using it on other characters.

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This one seems like a newer issue I’ve seen, too. I purchased some BOE crafted greens on the auction house the other day for a level 12 monk, filtered items by useable. Pulled the items out of the mail and they said require level 15 to use (although obviously lower level than that). I was still able to equip them since the bug was only in the tooltip. The extremely weird thing about these items is not just the bugged tooltip, but as I right clicked them, they equipped immediately without a “this item will bind to you” are you sure option. I made a bug report about this as well.

The best workaround I’ve found for the alt issue with level required being removed from BOEs is to send all of them to a level 1 or 10 alt to then send out to appropriate characters, but that obviously doesn’t help when doing your own crafting, and still requires extra steps.

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Here’s that thread I posted in General Discussion, please additionally post your concerns in that thread too and maybe it will generate critical mass there to get the issue resolved. At level 60, "Requires Level X" doesn't display since 9.1. Working as intended... (?)

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It cant be intentional, surely. Unless the Dev in charge of the Sadistic Design Group worked on it.



Every game company has one of those I’m sure!

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This is currently still an issue and affecting crafting gear in really strange ways. I crafted Embossed Leather Gloves that should have been level 4 to equip. On my max level 60 leatherworker, the tooltip shows as requiring level 60 to equip. Upon crafting, this dropped down to requiring level 30 to equip. I sent it to my level 10 alt, and in the mail the tool tip changes to requiring level 15. Out of curiosity, I tried to equip them anyway and it works.

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I’m experiencing this as well!

On my lower-level toons, the BoE greens they looted today show what level is required to equip them, even if that level is lower than them. (That’s some progress, anyway.)

On my Level 60 tailor (this toon), EVERYTHING in her tailoring spellbook shows it requires level 60 to equip.

On my level 49 leatherworker, EVERYTHING she is able to craft in her leatherworking spellbook shows it requires level 49 to equip. (She has Shadowlands recipes in her unlearned tab that seem to correctly show they require levels between 50 and 60 to equip.)


Can this issue hotfixed please, its very annoying.

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I’m just noticing this issue as well. I’m trying to craft some items for a newly dinged 50 and I know at least two of the items are for level 50, so I had to guess based on ilvl. All of the items require 60 in the crafting pane. Even more bizarre in this, once crafted, the ones that require level 50 still say required level 60 in the tooltip. But, the ones that require other levels show the proper level in the tooltip once crafted. For example, Shrouded Cloth Sandals require 60 at ilvl 100 on my 60 priest, but Shrouded Cloth Belt shows as required level 52 at ilvl 99. Using the crafter’s mark on them shows the proper level once crafted, as well.

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Just noticed this issue while trying to craft some cloth gear for a low level alt. Can we please get this looked at, so we know what we can or cannot craft for characters at specific levels?

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Whoever is in charge of these changes is either incompetent or trolling us.

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This seems to be improved, but not completely corrected with patch 9.1.5. In my crafting spellbooks for my tailor and leatherworker, the recipes from past xpacs seem to show the correct level required to equip.

But in my tailoring spellbook, some Shadowlands recipes are still showing the wrong level to equip. The Shrouded Cloth Bracers and Sandals correctly display “Requires Level 50.”

All the other Shrouded Cloth gear shows “Requires Level 60” and this is not correct for any of them. The spaulders, pants, robe, hood, cape, mittens, and belt can be equipped at varying levels, and it is not Level 60 for any of them… but Level 60 is what displays for all of them, on the tooltips in the crafting spellbook. It seems to be showing the correct level for items in my inventory.

I actually crafted a new Shrouded Cloth Cape (without a crafter’s mark) to see what level it would show it required, because my spellbook showed 60 and Wowhead showed 50, and I knew neither of those were correct. Wowhead usually shows correct info so I hope they get that fixed. Once it was crafted and in my inventory, it showed Level 54 to equip, which I believe is correct.


just had my leatherworker alt craft some BoE shadebound gear: gauntlet, waistguard, treads, and armguards. all of their tooltips in the leatherworking crafting tab show "requires level 55’, but after creating them (using no optional reagents) they require level 60.

what a waste. and this time around no scrapper to at least recover some mats

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That’s so aggravating.

I’ve been having the opposite problem, where the items in my crafting tab say they require level 60, but once they’re crafted they can be equipped by a lower level. Your bug sounds worse, practically speaking.

Edit to add: was your leatherworker level 55? because I had a similar situation where everything in my level 49 leatherworker’s spellbook showed it required level 49 to equip.

Having this same issue. My leatherworker is 55, it said the Desolate Scale Vest required level 55 to equip… Crafted it and it says requires level 57.

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This bug is going on 5 months now. It’s clear now that it is indeed a BUG and Blizz is aware of it, since they’ve made a not-entirely-effective fix.

The situation in the crafting book is WORSE. Having a tooltip that displays the wrong equippable level is worse than not displaying equippable level at all.

Please Blizz, get it together, fix it and have a QA team pore over every aspect of level-required tooltips and ensure that it’s working correctly (the way it worked until patch 9.1).

This is very basic. I’ve moved beyond being frustrated and angry at Blizzard, to being embarrassed for them.