I was subscribed, for the 6 month play time re-occurring payment.
It just booted me less than an hour ago saying my game time was up. What? How? I checked. Well my CC company did need to send me a new card recently with a new number. I put that in. “Give us a moment. Your order is processing: World of Warcraft® Subscription - 6 Months”
Then it just sits there with the Blizzard loading icon indefinitely. I’ve tried two different cards now.
Ok I will talk to support. Not available in anything but email (EVEN THOUGH THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY). Can’t do anything about it. Don’t really get much time to play WoW.
Am starting to run out of reasons not to uninstall the Blizzard BNET launcher. This company has gotten so much worse in just 3 years. Support is awful, services are awful.
There are 3 ways of being in contact with Blizzard. Via ticket, and during office hours you can arrange a callback (Blizzard calls you) or open a web chat ticket (if so, be sure not to navigate away from that, it’ll close the ticket).
So yes - even for an international company, there are actually more ways to be in contact with Blizzard than before.
Are you able to completely remove the card payment method and re-add it?
Tried a different browser? Cleared cache and cookies?
Well, hyperbole isn’t gonna help.
What usually works is that you remove all the old payment entries from your account wallet. Then you add your new card, and THEN you make your purchase.
I did that, I am not stupid.
It even still says the sub is inactive on my account, yet I can login for some reason.
I just pointed out that usually works, and you did neglect to tell us you did that already.
You might wanna roll back the anger.
You can log in without game time because playing characters under level 20 doesn’t require the license be active.
Have you tried temporarily disabling your antivirus and firewall software? Sometimes when they update they get overzealous with programs that you’ve previously whitelisted.
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I don’t need people on the forums’ help, I need Blizzard’s, but they are AFK and don’t care about their customers as long as the money rolls in. I guess we will see if the payment went through, but this has me seriously questioning why I support this company right now. It’s gotten nothing but worse since WOD in terms of service and customer appreciation.
@Ekon, I am logged into my 45 mage on Classic, so that is not it either.
Then why post in a public forum designed for Player to Player help? Just saying.
Well, this is a player support help forum. If you need Blizzard’s assistance, you submit a ticket.
Here’s a handy link for you. It was just a few clicks…wasn’t hard to find at all. 
Then why post on the forums that are intended for players to help other players? If you simply want a direct contact, your only recourse is the Support link atop the page.
But being an international company has nothing to do with their expedience, it has everything to do with however many of the millions of other players have tickets in line ahead of yours.
Your narrative is a little tinted, though-- overall, their support has come leaps and bounds from where it first was.
And just for clarification, logging into the game takes a different path than monetary transactions take. If you don’t wish to give it a shot, that’s on you. Blizzard will get to your ticket in due time.
Then you don’t post a player to player help forum… The forums have never been a contact point for Blizzard. The Blues that post here might be able to guide you where to go but they are not here 24/7. It is mainly here for players to assist and direct people where to go. The Blues here would not be able to assist with this since it looks like a billing error.
While Blizzard is open 24/7 365, so no they are not AFK, Billing and Tech Support are specialized and do keep business hours. It is beyond easy to get a hold of them now. As was stated you can open a ticket, or use the call back or live chat option for problems that Billing and/or Tech Support can help with during the hours that they are open.
According to your specific narrative, sure. And maybe it’s shared by a handful of other players, but if it were as factual as you claim it was, we’d see tons more threads like this in this forum.
Where are they?
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No actually it is provably true… You were never able to contact them via live chat or call back. Your only options were to open a ticket and wait, or call them and either not be able to get through or wait on hold for sometimes an hour or more. So you are factually 100% false. Again it is easy to prove that there are more ways now to get a hold of them then there has ever been.
So have we… Sorry, while we understand your frustration, you’re actually mistaken. Support is considerable greater now.
If you played for that long, remember when ticket times often blew out to weeks, or more? Ugh, thankfully a thing of the past now.
We also understand you’re not stupid, so I’m sure you fully understand how fault finding works? Try something, report back if it helps or not, then try the next thing. What we mentioned to try are what the Blizzard staff will also suggest.
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Aaaaaaaaaand all credibility gone. Alas. Five minute tickets… that’s a riot. I want whatever you’re having, please.
So much for looking for assistance, this has been nothing but a bash post since the start, it seems.
Farewell and good luck in your future gaming.
Absolutely incorrect. Sorry. Yes staff were fired, back end staff - not from the CS teams.
Lets agree to disagree shall we?
Kinda hard to help someone who has no interest is accepting anyone’s help, you’d rather cast shade and bash people.
Time to flag the thread and walk away.
Nope, sorry you are wrong… First of all support has never ever been realm specific so it doesn’t matter what server you were on it all went into the same pool. It also sometimes took over a week to get a reply during very busy times. I’ve been posting on these forums since BC came out and ticket wait time used to be the biggest complaint that was posted about here. So I am not 100?% wrong, since you don’t even seem to know how tickets actually work.
You can very much reach them via live chat or via a phone call back. You were even given a link above. So you are flat out lying if you say you can’t. It is provably false to say that live chat and/or phone call back can’t be done.
Citation needed, this never happened. Another lie. The layoffs that happened recently were from Publishing and Marketing. Even the articles on the “third party sites” stated that.
You have three choices:
- Open a ticket and wait for them to get to you in the queue.
- Wait until live chat or phone call back are available.
- There is no option three.
Again in Marketing and Publishing. Ysthens wasn’t a GM or Customer Support, he was a General Forum CM he posted on there as a community moderator and reported on posts to the Devs. He was one of a few, and most of them still work for Blizzard.