Your narrative doesn’t work.
If it were the same as it was 15 years ago, you would be spending days trying to just get into the phone queue so you could wait two hours to talk to someone. That’s because players would call for things that phone support did not handle. You can now arrange a call-back so you aren’t having to spend hours trying to get in a queue and hours then waiting to talk to someone. You aren’t waiting days to get in contact because Billing is now only handling Billing issues.
15 years ago there was no web chat.
15 years ago, players would make tickets that said just “help” with no indication about what issue they were having. They would ticket about feedback and suggestions. GMs aren’t liaisons with the Devs. They would ticket about bugs. GMs aren’t liaisons with the QA team. Because players were ticketing for so much of this, or wanting to talk personally with a GM, ticket limes had ballooned to almost a week.
There are now a number of self-help options for common issues. You don’t have to wait on a ticket for them.
So no, I do not agree with you that contacting support is “quite literally never been as bad as it is right now.” I do think players exaggerate about it because of frustration.
That would have been after they implemented the changes. You would not have been able to get in contact with Billing during the night-time hours.
The only ones you hear from or who post on those are people who have a complaint. It doesn’t prove anything. Considering that Blizzard handles a lot more tickets than the number posting, I really would take those complaints with a grain of salt. Like yourself, they have an agenda in what they post.
The GM staff was not fired. It was mainly in marketing. The GM staff was ages ago, and it was mainly in the EU offices and was never half of their staff. If you are going to bring up this lame excuse the least you can do is get your facts straight. It does just prove to everyone that you have an agenda.
It doesn’t support your narrative. Ysthen was a Community Manager. He was not Billing. He was not a GM.
You posted on Blizzard’s public forum and expected a one-on-one with Blizzard. You also appear to have wanted players to agree with you about your opinion of Blizzard support. Bashing Blizzard doesn’t get you any brownie points. Especially if what you use to bash Blizzard is easily refuted.