Cannot Start Shadowlands Campaign

Okay, so I recently picked up Dragonflight, and boosted one of my characters to 60, wanted to try Shadowlands, and was wondering why I didn’t get the quest. So, I traveled around, and in Stormwind, right before Stormwind Keep, Highlord Darion is there, and he has the quest that you can click on to pick up.


4 months later and this bug still exists…

Except that it was fixed. Whatever issue you’re having now, isn’t going to be the same thing that existed then. It’s why necroing any thread older than a week or two is frowned upon because of this very reason.

So if you’d like to start your own thread to keep the two things separate, that would be the first thing to do. Secondly, more information absolutely helps. Are you trying to do this on which character of yours? Is it a boosted character? What level is said character that is having issues?

It’s hard to offer assistance when you just pop in with no information besides stating something falsely, or at the very least, a misinformed statement.


They did last night, it got moved to Quests.

Ah ha, gottcha. So the necro was even more unnecessary then.

Hopefully they’ll find some resolution or at the very least answer the questions you put to them to try and get the matter figured out.


That’s not how things work. If it’s a bug, it needs to be in the appropriate forums: Quests or Bug Reports. There are no devs here, this forum is not for such things for anyone to see.

This is a peer to peer help desk with help from SFAs who are NOT devs or GMs.

If you’d tell us what the exact issue is that you’re having, we can try to help you. But if you simply want to complain or post a bug report, this isn’t the forum for it.

We would love to try to help if you would let us.


The necroër’s original thread with a little bit more context about his problem here:

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It looks like Kyzera had some good questions that did not get answered to see if any of that would help.


Also, if we could get the name of the affected Mage, then perhaps someone can help find out if it is indeed another quest chain that is blocking their progress – by checking with a quest checker site.


I gave up by now, there doesn’t seem to be a way to fix it and I only needed it for some levelling which I had to do elsewhere. I’ll probably never need to do Shadowlands on that character now anyway.

If you run into an issue again, please come here and make a thread so that we can see how we can help.


It looks like you cannot start the Shadowlands Campaign because you already did.

You should be on the quest “Seek the Ascended”. Which is available from Pathscribe Roh-Avonavi at the Ring of Transference in Oribos. If you turn on Trivial Quests Tracking in your minimap you’ll see the exclamation point show up on your map.

You also appear to have the Call of Fate available, which I believe you received when you hit level 60, and may allow you to skip some of that if you wish.


That is not true, and with all the dialog I have been having with the support staff I would describe it a lie. I went to see her and got what I thought was the campaign but instead I ended up in Bastion doing three chapters there. I have 10 alts that skipped all the early campaign crap through threads of fate. And I was elated. Now I have three alts at 60+ who can’t skip anything and a level 70 that can’t choose a covenant. WHY??? Why fix something that wasn’t broken. I just can’t understand why I can’t have the alts go directly to Korthia and ZM without having to do all the zones again. If I am wrong about this then tell me in detail what I can expect to have to suffer through for all my alts that leveled to 60 after 10.0.

Vrak’s information is for that specific character, looking at the specific information on that character. There is no lie about the quest that they are on.

If they’re 60+, you don’t “suffer through” anything.

This was my experience just now on my level 65 Horde character that I created and leveled during Dragonflight:

  1. Picked up the quest A Chilling Summons
  2. Spoke to Nazgrim and clicked “I have heard this tale before.”
  3. Was taken to Oribos where everything was greyscale and Fatescribe Roh-Tahl gave me the quest The Threads of Fate.
  4. Chose The Threads of Fate and not Replay Storyline.
  5. Typed in “FATE,” completed the quest, was given a new one called Re-Introductions.
  6. Spoke with Tal-Inara in the Enclave, picked up Choosing Your Purpose and chose a Covenant.
  7. Noticed that Tal-Inara had the option, “I have been to Zereth Mortis” after turning in Choosing Your Purpose and clicked that.

Everything was skipped. I had Zereth Mortis and Korthia unlocked.

Edit to add that I just did this again on an Alliance alt at 67 who was created during Dragonflight with the same result.


Yeah I got the Call of Fate after I hot 60. Cheers.

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